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Current tenders

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking applications from individuals, organisations or project teams with the expertise required to undertake one or more of the following projects:

Current tenders

Developing real-time diagnostic solutions to identify nutritional deficiencies in cattle

In response to national research and development priorities from the Red Meat Panel, MLA is seeking preliminary proposals from individuals or organisations with the capability to develop and evaluate real-time crush-side or in-paddock diagnostic solutions to identify nutritional deficiencies in cattle.  

MLA applications must be lodged electronically as Word document to:

Applications must be received by 17:00 AEST on Friday 2nd  May 2025.

Strict adherence to the time deadline for applications will occur. Incomplete request for tender applications without the required documentation will not be assessed

For more information, please contact:

Ainsley Smith
Project Manager – Grassfed Beef Productivity
Phone: 0474 199 470

Proposal to pilot a National Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage measurement system

MLA is seeking applications from suitable organizations to develop and pilot a National Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage measurement system for two years.  

Applications and supporting documentation as requested in the RFT must be lodged electronically to:

Applications must be received by 17:00 AEDT on 23 April 2025.

Request for tender

Livestock Production Assurance Learning Content Refresh

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is seeking tenders from organisations with experience in learning and development ideally in the digital space to update and refresh the LPA learning content.

The LPA program is the on-farm assurance program that underpins food safety, biosecurity, animal welfare and traceability credentials for Australian red meat. The LPA program currently has approximately 174,000 accredited producers.  It provides a platform to access learning, accreditation and reaccreditation, auditing, corrective action management, record keeping and provides linkage to LPA NVDs and eNVDs.

LPA Learning is an online tool developed to assist livestock producers to better understand all practices required to meet LPA requirements and is available on demand to complete. The aim of this project is to review, improve and expand the learning content for the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) Program.

Request for Tender: LPA Learning Content Refresh

Deadline for submissions 

All proposals must be received by 5pm AEDT on Wednesday 26 Mar 2025.

Project must be delivered by the 30 June 2025.

For more information, please contact: 

Verity Suttor
Project Manager – Integrity Systems Operations 
Phone: 0411 680 507 

EOI – Increasing productivity through genetic progress in the northern beef industry with effective extension and adoption practices

MLA is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) via preliminary applications from organizations (or partnerships of organizations) with the expertise to deliver extension and training aimed at increasing the adoption and optimised use of genetic resources and tools in the northern beef industry, to support cattle producers to achieve productivity gains through genetic progress. These initiatives would be co-investment with the MLA Donor Company.

Deadline for submissions: EOIs must be submitted by 17:00 on Friday 28th March 2025.

EOI Information

Use the preliminary proposal template and submit proposals electronically to MLA via

Applicants should carefully review this page and the MLA Project Funding Application Guidelines before completing their application.

For further information please contact

Sarah Strachan
Group Manager – Adoption & Commercial Services
0438 461 366

NLIS Database Uplift Transition Support for Integrators

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is inviting existing third-party National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) API Integrators to apply for Grant funding to support their transition to the uplifted NLIS database.

The NLIS database has several linkages to State and Territory regulatory systems and industry third-party systems, which offer automated reporting coupled with livestock monitoring and management tools. Uplifting the NLIS database will break the feed between the NLIS and these systems. These feeds will require enhancement, improvement or a complete rebuild to integrate with the uplifted database.

This project is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Commonwealth) under the NLIS Database Uplift Transition Support grant.

ISC is consulting separately with the State and Territory Departments of Agriculture (SDA) on supporting their transition to the uplifted NLIS database.


To be eligible for this funding, the third-party integrator needs to be connected to the current NLIS through an API, be using the NLIS API for biosecurity or traceability purposes, and have accessed the NLIS in the past year.

Current third-party integrators include:

  • Tag and device manufacturers
  • Third-party software providers that provide services to processors, feedlots, saleyards, agents and producers.

Applicants will not be eligible for consideration if:

  • The provider is the recipient of other Commonwealth traceability grants that fund similar upgrades
  • Any NLIS users that upload data via the web and not through an API

Relevant documentation

Documentation required for application:

More information about NLIS Database Uplift Transition Support is available on the NLIS Uplift Third Party Integrators webpage. Applicants should carefully review this webpage and the Application Form before completing their detailed project application.

Timeline for submissions:

Applications open: 12 February 2025

Applications close: applications must be received by 5pm (AEDT) 19 March 2025.

All applications should be submitted to Samarah Thrift -

For more information please contact: Renelle Jeffrey, Program Manager – Digital Adoption - Integrity Systems Company,

EOI for Sustainability Adoption Projects

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) via preliminary applications from organisations (or partnerships of organisations) to deliver adoption focused sustainability proposals via co-investment in the MLA Donor Company. The primary focus of these proposals must be for producer engagement and practice change in the reduction of overall net farm emissions. Proposals that include partners across the red meat supply chain are encouraged.  

Request for EOI

Deadline for submissions

All proposals are to complete MLA’s Preliminary Application Form and to be submitted by 5pm (AEDST) 24 March 2025 to:

Hilary Connors, and Sally Leigo,

If you have any questions regarding an expression of interest, please contact:

Sally Leigo
Program Manager – Adoption
Phone: 0447 634 044

Hilary Connors
Project Manager – Sustainability Adoption
Phone: 0427 467 608

eNVD Integration Co-Funding Opportunity

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is seeking applications from third-party software integrators who wish to integrate electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) software into their systems at saleyards, feedlots and/or livestock processors.

The Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declarations (NVD) is a key component of the red meat integrity system used to declare necessary and valuable information about travelling livestock. In 2017 the eNVD platform was deployed to support end-to-end digital transfer of livestock consignment documentation. ISC is supporting industry to fast track a transition from paper to paperless (digital) consignments. Via the MLA Donor Company (MDC) ISC is making available a co-funding opportunity over the next two years to support commercial parties such as processors, livestock agencies, saleyards, transporters and their software providers to shift towards digital NVDs. 

Request for tender

Deadline for submissions

UPDATE: Due to recent disruptions caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alred the proposal submission deadline has been extended to 26 March 2025.

All proposals must be received by 5pm AEDT on Wednesday 26 March 2025.

Questions about the eNVD Integration Co-Funding Opportunity and applications can be submitted to:

Gabrielle Sherring