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Design led Development of Novel Pack solutions for origin assured High valued export meat products

Project start date: 15 January 2018
Project end date: 20 December 2018
Publication date: 13 August 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This report covers:

  • Knowledge map and stakeholder interviews on red meat issues. Includes review of outputs from UoM/Mondelez ITR Hub. Review topics include Food Safety vs Food Fraud review, Key Issues with Meat, Market Review, Patent Review, Packaging and Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies review
  • These different areas of focus were integrated to develop a hypothesized framework to consider for different channels. This initial framework was tested in the marketplace with users of the packaging. This defined the preliminary value propositions for Smart Pack concepts, using the Desirable-Viable-Feasible framework to lead to robust opportunity identification / assessment for products / markets with indications of market size, value proposition(s) and innovation horizon.

This report also covers:

  • Using the framework development, three untested packaging concept were developed for two markets (China/ Australia, on line retail ready beef) with preliminary narrative/ persona on the target usage and occasion the concepts would be applied in (ie impact of supply chain on concepts for urban vs rural opportunities). Projected cost benefit analysis for these concepts in terms of wider Australian red meat industry value using the using the Desirable-Viable-Feasible framework to lead to robust opportunity identification / assessment for products / markets with indications of market size, value proposition(s) and innovation horizon.

    This will be used to define the preliminary value propositions for Smart Packaging concepts, along with providing a baseline for future technology development and application.

A workshop with Australian red meat brand owners was held to review the key data and technology options. This workshop was lead by MLA and included both technology providers and producers.

As no one specific technology is the answer to these opportunities next steps include:

  • A pilot project is being developed to test out backbone technology across supply chain for value determination with a lead set of producers. This will leverage the QR Code/ Barcode technology to see the implications across the supply chain.
  • Once this pilot have been completed a Phase 2 project will be develop to leverage this backbone technology and look at addtional key technology development needs across the full technology time horizon.

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Primary researcher: University of Melbourne