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Demonstration of Rotational Grazing to Increase Production

Project start date: 01 October 2004
Project end date: 31 July 2009
Publication date: 01 January 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The Running Creek Beef Producer group (RCBP) consist of 5 farmers. The group members each have unique farming enterprises and varying expectations of rotational grazing benefits. Interest was generated when some funding was made available by MLA and RCBP decided to apply for $15,000 worth of PIRD funding from MLA to trial rotational grazing on their properties.
The properties are all in the one valley of Running Creek, located near the township of Rathdowney, which is 1.5 hours south of Brisbane and 1.5 hours inland from the Gold Coast. It has an average rainfall of 900mm, but the average in the top end has been as high as 1200 mm. The properties consist of forest country with large areas of floodplain in the lower section, and scrub country and smaller floodplains in the upper reaches.
The group intended to demonstrate the benefits of rotational grazing by: improving weight gains and profitability by improving pasture density and quality better control and manage less desirable weed species increase stocking rate (dse/ha).

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Project manager: Jane Weatherley
Primary researcher: C M Arkinstall