2025 Director Selection
MLA is currently seeking proposals from organisations to assist the MLA Selection Committee with the 2025 director recruitment process.
Deadline: All proposals must be submitted to Joanne Taylor-Craig at companysecretary@mla.com.au by 5pm (AEST) on Sunday 6 April 2025.
Request for tender
For more information, please contact:
Joanne Taylor-Craig
Company Secretary
02 9463 9353
Methane mitigation in extensive beef cattle and sheep grazing systems with production efficiency and profitability benefits
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking preliminary applications from organizations (or partnerships of organisations) to develop or evaluate enteric methane mitigation strategies in extensive beef cattle and sheep grazing systems with production efficiency and profitability benefits.
MLA applications must be lodged electronically as Word document to tenders@mla.com.au
Request for tender
Stage 1 MLA Applications must be received by 17:00 AEST on Thursday 1st May, 2025.
Strict adherence to the time deadline for applications will occur. Incomplete request for tender applications without the required documentation will not be assessed.
Open call: eNVD Adoption in Red Meat Supply Chains
ISC is seeking project proposals from commercial supply chain parties who are interested in taking advantage of the benefits of end-to-end supply chain digitisation of National Vendor Declarations (NVDs).
ISC is supporting industry to fast track a transition from paper NVDs to digital consignments. MLA Donor Company (MDC) co-funding is available to support processors, livestock agencies, saleyards, transporters and their software providers to shift their businesses and supply chains towards electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVDs). This will be achieved by implementing a co-funded program of work to uplift their business’ systems, processes, culture and capabilities (people and technology) which results in a shift to digital eNVDs.
Request for tender
Deadline for submissions
All proposals must be received by 5pm AEST Tuesday 15 April 2025.
Questions about the Open call: eNVD Adoption in Red Meat Supply Chains and applications can be submitted to:
Gabrielle Sherring
Developing real-time diagnostic solutions to identify nutritional deficiencies in cattle
In response to national research and development priorities from the Red Meat Panel, MLA is seeking preliminary proposals from individuals or organisations with the capability to develop and evaluate real-time crush-side or in-paddock diagnostic solutions to identify nutritional deficiencies in cattle.
MLA applications must be lodged electronically as Word document to: projectcall@mla.com.au
Applications must be received by 17:00 AEST on Friday 2nd May 2025.
Strict adherence to the time deadline for applications will occur. Incomplete request for tender applications without the required documentation will not be assessed
For more information, please contact:
Ainsley Smith
Project Manager – Grassfed Beef Productivity
Email: asmith@mla.com.au
Phone: 0474 199 470
Proposal to pilot a National Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage measurement system
MLA is seeking applications from suitable organizations to develop and pilot a National Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage measurement system for two years.
Applications and supporting documentation as requested in the RFT must be lodged electronically to: tenders@mla.com.au
Applications must be received by 17:00 AEDT on 23 April 2025.
Request for tender
EOI – Increasing productivity through genetic progress in the northern beef industry with effective extension and adoption practices
MLA is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) via preliminary applications from organizations (or partnerships of organizations) with the expertise to deliver extension and training aimed at increasing the adoption and optimised use of genetic resources and tools in the northern beef industry, to support cattle producers to achieve productivity gains through genetic progress. These initiatives would be co-investment with the MLA Donor Company.
Deadline for submissions: EOIs must be submitted by 17:00 on Friday 28th March 2025.
EOI Information
Use the preliminary proposal template and submit proposals electronically to MLA via sstrachan@mla.com.au
Applicants should carefully review this page and the MLA Project Funding Application Guidelines before completing their application.
For further information please contact
Sarah Strachan
Group Manager – Adoption & Commercial Services
0438 461 366