BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef Conferences and Dinner

Conference and Dinner [1-day package] $200, Early Bird $155
Conference [1-day package, no dinner] $120, Early Bird $80
Conference Dinner Only $75, No Early Bird
Early bird tickets will close on Friday 31 May
The BestWool/BestLamb and BetterBeef conferences are a must for anyone involved in the beef and sheep industries. This is the first time since 2019, the two conferences will be held together, and this year we have moved to a new premier location. Both conferences and the industry dinner will be held under the same roof, at The Goods Shed, located in the heart of Ballarat.
The event will commence with the BestWool/BestLamb Conference on Wednesday 19 June, followed by the BetterBeef Conference on Thursday 20 June. Both conferences will include a fantastic line-up of speakers, which will inform, challenge, and excite participants with the most up to date sheep and beef industry research and information, as well as provide a great opportunity for networking.
A combined dinner for beef and sheep industries will take place on the Wednesday evening (19 June) at The Good Shed and Beau Vernon, the special dinner speaker, will share his story on how through challenges, comes great growth and how he has faced these challenges and thrived since becoming a quadriplegic.
Both conference programs will include keynote addresses and concurrent sessions, giving participants the ability to tailor their time to suit their needs and interests. To check out the full program visit :
This event is a partnership between Agriculture Victoria and AWI Extension VIC, supported by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Government Farm Business Resilience Program.