Annual open call for new Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) projects
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is committed to partnering with producer groups to improve business profitability and productivity. Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) aim to increase the rate of adoption of key management practices and technologies that improve business profitability, productivity and sustainability through livestock producers pursuing new skills and management practices in their own commercial livestock production systems.
The PDS program underpins MLA’s research, development and adoption (RD&A) programs by supporting groups of producers to demonstrate, adapt and validate the triple bottom line benefits of integrating new management practices, research and development outputs, and associated skills within the context of their commercial production systems. The key outcome of a PDS is producer adoption of the demonstrated management practices resulting in improved business performance.
Funding is available for sheep and beef cattle producer groups to validate and demonstrate the business value of integrating new technologies and on-farm management practices into local production systems.
There are two funding options available to producer groups who wish to participate in the PDS program, levy and co-contributor.
Producer groups wishing to engage in a levy PDS project can apply for up to $30,000 per year, for the length of the project.
Groups wishing to engage in a co-contributor PDS project can apply for up to $60,000 per year (plus access fee), for the length of the project. Co-contributor projects require cash investment in the project, which is matched by the MLA Donor Company (MDC). A minimum of 15% of the co-contribution must be producer investment (cash). Refer to the application guidelines and terms of reference for further information on the funding splits available for co-contributor PDS projects.
We're thrilled to announce a new funding option for the 2025/26 PDS open call: the ‘Partnership PDS’. Funded through the MLA donor company, this initiative invites producers and other eligible third parties to collaborate with MLA, enhancing project delivery and outcomes with the benefit of higher funding values. Partnership PDS applicants can request up to $100,000 (+ access fee) per year for the duration of their project. In line with MDC funding requirements, partnership PDS projects will require an eligible cash contribution.
All producer groups will need to engage a facilitator who is experienced in group coordination and extension, monitoring and evaluation of on-farm practice change and communication and reporting.
MLA calls for the new PDS projects on an annual basis, with preliminary applications opening the first business day of April.
To find out more information on what is involved in a PDS project, check out the PDS FAQs.
Applications for the 2025-26 open call for levy and co-contributor PDS projects will open for six weeks from 1 April 2025.
The application forms, supporting documentation and key dates for the open call process will be published here in late February.
2025–26 Open call for new Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) projects
Preliminary applications open: Tuesday, 1 April 2025
Preliminary applications close: Monday, 12 May 2025
Terms of Reference: (TBA)
MLA is seeking levy, co-contributor and partnership PDS projects related to improving sheep and/or beef cattle enterprise profitability and productivity across Australia.
Applications must:
- Be initiated by/with a producer group and address a key adoption issue limiting farm productivity and profitability, resulting in impact when adopted by producers.
- Be of sufficient interest that it is demonstrated on a minimum of three different properties and at a commercially relevant scale. Flexibility is offered for projects in extensive regions.
- Demonstrate the integration of new technologies or management practices, research and development outputs, and associated skills on a minimum of three different properties and at a commercially relevant scale. Some flexibility is offered for projects in extensive regions.
- Consist of a core group of producers (minimum 10) directly involved in the project with a larger network of producers (observers) keen to attend events/activities and receive communications to learn about outcomes. Flexibility in numbers is offered for projects in extensive regions.
- Demonstrations site hosts and core producers are responsible for much of the in-field activities (e.g. measurements, stock rotations etc.).
- Be based on known, scientifically-proven practices and/or commercially available technology i.e. not research on a problem/issue or proof of concept.
- Have a robust method designed to test an outcome, including controls for comparison.
- Have a suitably skilled facilitator to guide group activity, coordinate extension activities, implement protocols, and report back to MLA.
- Include extension and communication activities to extend key messages and learnings beyond the core group. All projects will be required to develop a communication plan using the templates provided by MLA.
- Implement monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) processes to demonstrate producer engagement, practice change and the benefit to the production businesses and the broader industry. All projects will be required to develop a MER plan using MLA's standard framework within six weeks of commencing, and support will be available to assist facilitators with development. A copy of the MER plan guidelines are available here.
The Terms of Reference, accompanied by the MLA PDS application guidelines, outline all information relating to preparing and submitting a preliminary application.
Preliminary applications for the MLA 2025–26 PDS open call are required to address one of the priorities outlined below:
Levy PDS project applications related to sheep and cattle enterprises must align with the relevant regional PDS priorities as per the terms of reference.
Co-contributor PDS applications must align with industry priorities and targets as per Red Meat 2030 and MLA Strategic Plan.
Partnership PDS applicants are encouraged to consider the Levy PDS priorities and will need to demonstrate an alignment with industry priorities and targets.
Levy PDS
Producer groups wishing to engage in a levy PDS project can apply for up to $30,000/year for the length of the project.
Co-contributor PDS
Groups wishing to engage in a co-contributor PDS project can apply for up to $60,000/year (plus access fee) for the length of the project. Co-contributor projects require cash investment in the project, which is matched by the MLA Donor Company (MDC). A minimum of 15% of the co-contribution must be producer investment (cash). Refer to the application guidelines and terms of reference for further information on the funding splits available for co-contributor PDS projects.
Partnership PDS
Applicants wishing to engage in a partnership PDS can apply for funding of up to $100,000/year (plus access fee) for the length of the project. Partnership PDS projects require a cash contribution which is matched by the MDC. Refer to the application guidelines and terms of reference for further information on the funding for partnership PDS projects.
For details on what the funding can be used for, refer to the “What is funded” section of the Terms of Reference.
All producer groups will need to engage a facilitator who is experienced in group coordination and extension, monitoring and evaluation of on-farm practice change and communication and reporting.
Funding is available to support groups of sheep and/or beef cattle enterprises to validate and demonstrate the business value of integrating new commercially available technologies and on-farm management practices into local production systems.
Applications are welcome from groups of producers, farming system groups, NRM Groups, as well as, state departments, consultants, universities, and other service providers in partnership with an engaged group of producers.
All contracts will be required to be with a company or other legal entity, excluding individuals/sole traders. For unincorporated producer groups, arrangements should be made for contracting through an affiliated company.
Where the intended contracted party is a Trustee (on behalf of a trust), MLA will require copies of ID for all Trustees and a copy of the Trust Deed.
The Tenderer must provide details of its current insurance policies, and each proposed subcontractor and supplier as outlined in the preliminary and full applications.
Selection of preliminary applications and full applications will be based on the following criteria:
- Alignment with priorities outlined in the terms of reference
- Number and enthusiasm of producers in the core group and opportunity for broader scale engagement across the observer group/district
- Potential impact on producer business profit drivers and industry profitability
- Project team's capability to undertake the requirements of a PDS
- Very clear and measurable objective(s)
- Methodology to demonstrate the business value of the technology/practice/innovation(s) and achieve practice change
- Extension and communications plan and activities within the PDS group (core) and more broadly (observer group and nationally)
- Proposed monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities
- Value for money.
Terms of Reference
- 2025–26 MLA PDS Terms of Reference
- MLA PDS Preliminary Application Form
- MLA PDS Preliminary Application Guidelines
Full application
- MLA PDS Full Application Form
- MLA PDS Full Application Guidelines
- MLA PDS MER Guidelines
- MLA Tender Declaration
- MDC Source of Funds Declaration
- PDS MDC Cash-Flow Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Applications and supporting documents are to be emailed to on or before the due dates as outlined below:
- Preliminary applications must be submitted on or before 12 May 2025.
- All preliminary applicants will be notified of acceptance or otherwise by 27 June 2025.
- Successful preliminary applicants will be invited to submit a full application by 25 July 2025.
- All successful full applicants will be notified by 29 August 2025.
- Projects will be contracted and ready to commence from November/December 2025.
- Tenders must comply with all requirements specified in the request for tender/terms of reference.
- The requirements specified in this request for tender apply to both the preliminary and full applications.
- Applications are to be submitted an electronic/soft copy.
- All sections within the preliminary application form must be completed in full. Preliminary applications are not to exceed four pages; the privacy collection notice can be pushed over to the fifth page only.
- Where invited to submit a full application, the current version of the Full Application Form must be completed in its entirety.
- Annexure 1 of the Terms of Reference contains a tender declaration to be completed by the Tenderer and submitted with the preliminary application.
- Annexure 2 of the Terms of Reference contains an MDC Source of funds declaration to be completed by the Tenderer and submitted with the preliminary application.
- The Terms of Agreement MLA wishes to enter with the successful Tenderer may be requested by emailing MLA is non-negotiable on the terms of the agreement.
- Where the successful Tenderer has a negotiated standard agreement with MLA, the terms of that agreement will apply. Where no previously negotiated agreement is in place unless clearly stated to the contrary in the tender, all terms of our MLA Umbrella Research Agreement will apply for co-contributor projects and the MLA Umbrella Consultancy Agreement for levy projects.
- Tenderers of successful full applications will be provided with a link to complete a questionnaire regarding modern slavery due diligence. Completion of the questionnaire is required before progressing with contracting.