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How has the Australian hay market tracked in the March quarter?

30 March 2016

As reported by the Australian Fodder Institute (AFIA) on behalf of Dairy Australia, rainfall in northern Australia has boosted pasture supply across coastal regions of Queensland, with many farmers reportedly opting for home-grown feed rather than purchased fodder.

Conditions in Gippsland in Victoria and Tasmania remain tough, with Dairy Australia suggesting strong demand coming from these regions especially. For most other southern Australian regions, the market has apparently remained fairly subdued, with buyers either restricted by higher prices or having already sourced adequate supplies.

In WA, despite little change registered over recent weeks, demand for hay is reportedly increasing as producers start to plan for the cooler winter months.

As illustrated in the table below, for the March quarter (January-March 2016), fodder prices fluctuated year-on-year across eastern Australia, with lower prices recorded in Queensland, while categories in Victoria were close to firm to higher than year-ago levels. Southern WA registered either little change or upward movements across fodder categories.
