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Search Results for Exports

Results 511-520 of 3088
  • R&D
    CMA:FY21 Production of Communication Materials
    CMA:FY21 Production of Communication Materials
  • Industry News
    Freight turmoil hitting red meat exports
    31 August 2021
    In an increasingly competitive world, Australia has some innate advantages in delivering high quality red meat protein to global markets: it is in the right neighbourhood to access growing demand in the Asia Pacific and world-leading shelf-life performance underpins an expanding chilled trade.
  • Industry News
    Gearing up for COVID-19, again
    31 August 2021
    This is the first Global Markets Update newsletter for the new financial year, and MLA regional offices have recently finished planning and detailing their projects for 2021–22.
  • Industry News
    Trade lamb prices reach all-time high
    26 August 2021
    Year-to-date slaughter and yardings Year-to-date lamb slaughter for the eastern states is operating 5% stronger than 2020 levels, amounting to...
  • R&D
    Scoping the development of high value beef production from dairy bulls using forage based systems
    MLA is scoping the development of high value beef production from dairy bulls using forage-based systems.
  • Industry News
    Australian innovator serves the world’s first lower emission steaks thanks to superstar seaweed
    20 August 2021
    Australian innovator serves the world’s first lower emission steaks thanks to superstar seaweed
  • R&D
    V.RMH.0111-R&D Round-Up
    Stakeholder consultation revealed demand for a ‘push service’ that provides stakeholders with the latest R&D information and further action is required to promote MLA’s enhancements to R&D accessibility and transparency. Since February 2020, MLA has released 'R&D Round-Up', a summary of MLA’s recently completed R&D projects plus summaries of projects that are currently in progress. The August 2021 addition featured six completed MLA projects: V.RMH.0111 Baseline consumer sensory testing of alternate protein burgers P.PSH.1242 Evidence-based digital traceability trials for beef exports to China - Digital / physical supply chain verification L.PDS.1808 PDS: Using eID to improve ewe performance B.CCH.2111 MCV5 – Changes in summer rainfall and implications for agriculture P.PSH.1046 Understanding the value of farm specific sensors with LoRaWAN V.RMH.0095 Preliminary evaluation of flavourless smoke in chilled Australian lamb. This edition also featured four in-progress projects related to MLA's animal health and welfare program: P.PSH.1305 Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered mobile app for the assessment of eye disease in cattle B.AHE.2102 Bushfire implications for livestock wellbeing B.AHE.0318 Reducing foetal and lamb losses in young ewes P.PSH.2057 Developing and implementing objective sheep lifetime pain measurement and mitigation strategies
  • Industry News
    How co-products can help double the value of red meat
    12 August 2021
    On Tuesday, MLA released its latest Co-products report for August. The co-products of sheepmeat and beef play an important role in supplying some of Australia’s export markets. On Australian shores, they will play a significant role in supporting the industry’s vision to double the value of red meat sales by 2030.  
  • R&D
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered mobile app for the assessment of eye disease in cattle | 2021
    Did you know that MLA is partnering with skilled veterinarians to develop a phone app that will allow producers on farm to diagnose the type and stage of eye disease in cattle?
  • R&D
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered mobile app for the assessment of eye disease in cattle |2022
    Did you know that MLA is partnering with skilled veterinarians to develop a phone app that will allow producers on farm to diagnose the type and stage of eye disease in cattle?

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