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Search Results for EYCI

Results 21-30 of 620
  • Industry News
    Market dynamics and seasonal influences drive cattle and sheep prices
    01 March 2024
    The cattle market displayed positive trend across the majority of indicators this week. Yardings increased by 3,784 to 61,656 head, slightly above the three-year average.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    23 February 2024
    The cattle market experienced a general easing across most indicators this week. Yardings decreased by 40,673 to 50,731 head. The heavy steer indicator remained stable at 283¢/kg live weight (lwt), with throughput easing by 484 head to 2,333 head. The dairy cow indicator was the only other cattle indicator to improve this week – rising 6%.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    16 February 2024
    The cattle market has eased across all indicators. Yardings have eased by 3,898 to 75,856 head. Yardings eased in a majority of states except Tasmania and Victoria. Yardings are 30,758 head above the national average for the last five weeks.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    09 February 2024
    The cattle market was mixed this week with lifts to feeder and restocker steers, and easing in all other indicators. Yardings lifted week-to-week by 20,304 head to 74,172. A 38% lift to last week, and 98% year-on-year.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    02 February 2024
    The cattle market has lifted significantly this week for all indicators. Yardings have eased by 1,092 to 50,971 head stabilising over the last week.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    25 January 2024
    Due to the national public holiday for Australia Day, this wrap was written a day in advance. Regular reporting will continue from next week. Thursday and Friday cattle and sheep sales, including Emerald, Dubbo, Wagga, Warwick and Yass, are not included in this commentary.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    19 January 2024
    The cattle market lifted overall this week. Yardings rose by 31,585 to 57,966 head, a 23% increase compared to the same time last year. This growth was underpinned by NSW and Queensland with combined yardings of 35,644 head.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    12 January 2024
    The cattle market generally lifted this week with strong processor demand for weaner cattle. Yardings increased by 7,027 to 24,547 head which is expected for the beginning of the year.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    22 December 2023
    The cattle market eased this week. With Christmas at our doorstep, some key saleyards have closed for the year and will start up in the new year. Market reports states key buyers and processors were not operating thus entering a cheaper market compared to the previous week. Cattle yardings dropped by 75,112 to 7,452 head, however such a significant decline is expected given the time of year.
  • Industry News
    Cattle and sheep weekly market wrap
    15 December 2023
    The cattle market eased this week, with the nearing Christmas shutdowns causing a slight dip in the number of buyers and processors attending sales compared to the previous week. Cattle yardings fell by 20,615 to 77,881 head, but despite the significant week-on-week drop, this was the second largest week of the year in terms of yardings.

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