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Search Results for Feedlot management

Results 91-100 of 878
  • R&D
    B.FLT.4018 - Feedlot Covered Housing Systems: Best Practice Design and Management Manual
    Final Report
  • Industry News
    A 'Taste of Queensland' hosts 25 International Aussie Beef Mates
    06 October 2023
    An international spotlight is being shone on Queensland beef this week as ambassadors from around the world delve into Queensland beef and cattle production from paddock to plate.
  • Industry News
    National awards recognise the top eating quality beef from across Australia
    26 September 2023
    National awards recognise the top eating quality beef from across Australia
  • R&D
    V.RDP.3010 - Wastes to Profits
    Australia’s animal industries produce significant quantities of wastes from on-farm production, intensive feed and processing sectors. The management of these wastes is a significant cost for these industries exceeding AUD$100 million pa.
  • Industry News
    Tech delivers carcase insights before processing
    14 September 2023
    Michael Hughes focuses on maximising efficiency and meeting market specifications in his NSW Angus feedlot, so he was keen to try a new handheld device which could take the operation’s carcase performance to the next level.
  • Industry News
    ALFA education medal winner committed to people-centred management
    13 September 2023
    The 2022 winner of the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) Excellence in Feedlot Education Medal was Feedlot Operations Manager, Bec Donnelly, who received her award at the most recent BeefEx22 conference. This annual award, sponsored by Zoetis, acknowledges and rewards feedlot staff committed to continual formal learning and training within the Australian feedlot industry.
  • Industry News
    World first automated bunk management trial matches humans
    13 September 2023
    A collaboration between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), Bovine Dynamics, the University of Queensland and Manabotix has led to the development of an algorithm which will see automated bunk scanning deliver time savings and more accurate decision making for the beef feedlot sector.
  • Industry News
    New feedlot heat load forecasting tool by mistEO
    12 September 2023
    Australian feedlot operators now have access to a cutting-edge tool for early warning of extreme weather events with the release of Climate Decision Intelligence by mistEO, with its development funded by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
  • Industry News
    Access ALFA & MLA’s new online training tools
    12 September 2023
    Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) have launched a range of new online short courses within the Feedlot Fundamentals training program – aimed at driving efficiencies and supporting career development for those working in the feedlot sector. The easy-to-access courses are designed for industry by industry and cover the fundamental skills required to operate each facet of a successful feedlot.
  • Industry News
    Short lairage drives productivity
    12 September 2023
    New findings from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) funded research indicate short duration lairage can maximise productivity for the grainfed supply chain. The duration of time and location where cattle are housed between arrival at an abattoir and slaughter is termed ‘lairage'. For Australian feedlot cattle, lairage duration is highly variable and can range between 2–36 hours, but more commonly ranges between 12–24 hours, and typically involves an overnight stay. Short duration lairage (SDL) of between three to four hours resulted in positive impacts on hot standard carcase weight (HSCW), hydration status and liver glycogen with no negative outcomes to meat quality and food safety parameters.

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