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Search Results for Weekly

Results 151-160 of 864
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    29 July 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) continued to ease this week, softening 60¢ week-on-week. This brings the four-week price change to 126¢ in mid-June. The largest contributors to the indicator, Roma and Wagga Wagga, are contributing 29% collectively and are still trading at a premium on the national average. Restocker sales softened 12.6% and were overtaken by feeder sales contributing to the indicator. Read more on market drivers affecting the EYCI here.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep, cattle and goat wrap
    22 July 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has eased 24¢ week-on-week to 954.14¢/kg cwt, with a majority of sales going to restockers. The percentage going to restockers has increased nearly 10% week-on-week with most of the sales coming out of Roma. Processors haven’t been extremely active, even though prices have dropped under 800¢/kg cwt.
  • Industry News
    Response to Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)
    15 July 2022
    Preparedness for any biosecurity threat to the red meat and livestock industry is always front of mind for MLA. The Australian Government is responsible for managing the programs that protect Australia from diseases such as FMD and LSD. Our industry representative organisations are working closely with Government to do this, and MLA is doing everything we can to support their work.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle, sheep and goat market wrap
    15 July 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has softened a further 28c week-on-week, falling to below year-ago levels. This is off the back of Dalby sales, which traded at the national average price of 927.16c/kg cwt, easing 33c week-on-week. Dalby saw a strengthening in yardings of 2,277 head, with most sales going to restockers.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle, sheep and goat market wrap
    08 July 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) eased 8.17¢ week-on-week after hitting 999.09¢/kg cwt on Tuesday on the back of Dalby, which traded at 959.16¢/kg cwt. This was the lowest price since September last year and was due to the easing in yardings by 800 head with stock coming from as far as South Australia. The EYCI bounced back on Wednesday with a strong sale at Roma and Wagga trading at 5¢ and 27¢ above the national average respectively.
  • Industry News
    Access the latest BOM Forewarned is Forearmed weather tools
    07 July 2022
    The new features respond to the growing need for information around unseasonal and extreme weather and climate events to build climate resilience and support better-informed decision making.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle, sheep and goat market wrap
    01 July 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has eased 39c week-on-week to 1,013.57c/kg cwt. This is the lowest average price since September 2021 and is due to the mixed quality and variation in the drafts presenting at the saleyards, creating the two-tier pricing experienced over the last few weeks.
  • R&D
    019 Sydney Royal Easter Show, Women’s Weekly Theatre Kitchen
    019 Sydney Royal Easter Show, Women’s Weekly Theatre Kitchen
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    24 June 2022
    Australia’s benchmark cattle indicator, the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI), is currently operating at 1,052¢/kg cwt – its lowest price since 18 October 2021. Since 10 June, the EYCI has fallen 6% or 68¢/kg cwt, while supply has lifted by 30% or 3,184 head.
  • Industry News
    Have your say on MLA’s market information
    23 June 2022
    MLA’s Market Information Subscriber Survey is now open for you to provide your feedback on the NRLS reports and market information provided by MLA.

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