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Search Results for Weekly

Results 121-130 of 864
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    09 December 2022
    New indicator: Restocker Yearling Heifer Today, MLA’s Market Information team released the Restocker Yearling Heifer Indicator, the first release in...
  • Industry News
    Cattle market in 2022: a year in review
    09 December 2022
    Buyer demand, a greater selectivity on quality and wet weather were the hallmarks of a historically momentous 2022 year for Australia’s cattle industry.
  • Industry News
    Sheep and lamb market in 2022: a year in review
    08 December 2022
    The sheep and lamb market has seen some ups and downs in 2022. As the year draws to a close, we take a look at the prices, yardings and slaughter over the past 12 months.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    02 December 2022
    November cattle yardings have come in at the highest monthly yardings in two years. The last time monthly yardings were above 220,000 head was in November 2020, when producers continued to liquidate numbers to rebuild balance sheets and capitalise on strong market prices. Yardings in November increased 49% on last month, showing how drier weather and cattle coming to market weights can influence numbers. This inevitably puts downward pressure on prices, as can be seen across all indicators.
  • Industry News
    World-first tool for better grazing management launched for red meat producers
    30 November 2022
    Australian red meat producers now have access to weekly information on their farm-level pasture status with the release of a new tool called the Australian Feedbase Monitor (AFM).
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    25 November 2022
    Weekly national yardings reached 56,419 head this week, which was 53% higher than the 2022 weekly average. States that saw solid improvements in yardings were NSW, Queensland and WA, lifting 63%, 24% and 47% respectively week-on-week. Victorian and South Australian yardings both fell this week by 37% and 17% respectively.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    18 November 2022
    To nobody’s surprise, supply tightened significantly across both species in most states this week. It’s been a common trend over the past three months as wet weather continues to impact transport access and mustering capability. However, the large supply last week allowed producers time to reset their marketing strategies to reflect more normal supply fluctuations moving forward.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    11 November 2022
    Cattle and sheep supply is expected to continue increasing until the end of the year as the herd and flock rebuilds move into summer.
  • Industry News
    New season lamb supply lags behind 2021 as prices hold firm
    03 November 2022
    Since August, national supply of new season lambs has operated 42% (or 433,000 head) lower than the same timeframe in 2021. Average prices at a national level are also back by $30/head or 14% compared to August–November 2021. However, despite new season lamb prices softening from the record highs seen in 2021, this week’s price of $183 is 19% or $29/head higher than the five-year average of $154/head.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    03 November 2022
    While sheep and lamb yardings fell back this week, cattle yardings lifted in several states.

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