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Search Results for Marketing

Results 691-700 of 6772
  • Industry News
    Integrity Systems Company awarded $22.5m Australian Government grant
    15 September 2023
    Integrity Systems Company (ISC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), has been awarded a $22.5 million Australian Government grant to build a new national livestock traceability platform to replace the 23-year-old National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database.
  • Industry News
    Shifting trends in feeder prices, grain costs, and days on feed
    14 September 2023
    Feeder cattle and feed grain prices are usually inversely related, meaning when one increases, the other decreases and vice-versa. There are two main reasons for this.
  • Industry News
    Tech delivers carcase insights before processing
    14 September 2023
    Michael Hughes focuses on maximising efficiency and meeting market specifications in his NSW Angus feedlot, so he was keen to try a new handheld device which could take the operation’s carcase performance to the next level.
  • Industry News
    Strong demand for Australian beef drive exports to US
    14 September 2023
    Although easing this year, cow prices have outperformed the market relative to changes in the cattle market overall. Since the start of 2023, the processor cow indicator has eased by 28%, compared to a 36% decline in cattle prices overall.
  • Industry News
    Short lairage drives productivity
    12 September 2023
    New findings from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) funded research indicate short duration lairage can maximise productivity for the grainfed supply chain. The duration of time and location where cattle are housed between arrival at an abattoir and slaughter is termed ‘lairage'. For Australian feedlot cattle, lairage duration is highly variable and can range between 2–36 hours, but more commonly ranges between 12–24 hours, and typically involves an overnight stay. Short duration lairage (SDL) of between three to four hours resulted in positive impacts on hot standard carcase weight (HSCW), hydration status and liver glycogen with no negative outcomes to meat quality and food safety parameters.
  • Industry News
    Going Under Cover events focus on shade and covered housing systems fit for Australian feedlots
    12 September 2023
    Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) recently supported two Going Under Cover events for the feedlot sector to over 148 feedlot stakeholders in Western Australia in March 2023 and Victoria/South Australia in May 2023. The events aimed to drive adoption of shade and shelter in Australian feedlots by showcasing examples of shelter in use at a variety of feedlots and the productivity and animal welfare benefits they have experienced.
  • Industry News
    MLA to launch Environmental Credentials pilot for grassfed beef producers
    11 September 2023
    Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking grassfed beef producers to take part in the piloting of an online platform that is under development in the Environmental Credentials of Australian grassfed beef project.
  • Industry News
    Lamb exports highest on record
    08 September 2023
    31,779 tonnes of Australian lamb were exported in August, 21% more than August 2022 and the highest monthly export volume on record.
  • Industry News
    Wool is back in vogue
    08 September 2023
    The Australian wool market, measured by the Eastern Market Indicator (EMI), is outperforming all sheep and lamb indicators this year. The EMI has fallen 12% over the last 12 months; in comparison, the heavy lamb (the best-performing ovine indicator) has fallen 38%.
  • Industry News
    Lamb and beef surging in popularity as prices decrease
    08 September 2023
    Shoppers are increasingly putting red meat in their trolley as retail prices push back against the inflation trend being seen more generally at the supermarket checkout.

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