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Search Results for Cattle prices

Results 331-340 of 1812
  • Industry News
    Neutral weather pattern expected to resume
    24 March 2022
    While the La Niña weather pattern has extended for longer than expected, neutral weather conditions are expected to resume as autumn takes hold – bringing good news for producers. Read on to find out the latest on the weather outlook for 2022.
  • Industry News
    New NLRS feature allows users to export pricing data
    24 March 2022
    The National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) has released a new feature for all indicators which it delivers, allowing users to export the data directly from the webpage.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    17 March 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) fell to start the week due to softer yardings driven by widespread rainfall and flooding in NSW and Queensland. The indicator then recovered 8c on Wednesday by a return to traditional seasonal yardings for Dalby in Queensland. Less affected areas also have reduced yardings as they maintain restocker intentions off the back of favourable rain events over the past week.
  • Industry News
    Genetics: the key to profitability and sustainability
    10 March 2022
    Producers can access the genetic keys to open the gate to more profitable, sustainable beef and sheep businesses at a free MLA forum in Adelaide next month.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    10 March 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) fell to start the week due to softer yardings driven by widespread rainfall and flooding in NSW and Queensland. The indicator then recovered 8c on Wednesday by a return to traditional seasonal yardings for Dalby in Queensland. Less affected areas also have reduced yardings as they maintain restocker intentions off the back of favourable rain events over the past week.
  • Industry News
    South Korea our fastest growing goatmeat market
    10 March 2022
    South Korea is emerging as one of Australia’s fastest growing goatmeat export markets by value and volume, almost doubling its Australian goatmeat imports in 2021.
  • Industry News
    Global markets export wrap
    09 March 2022
    Global trade remained challenging for global exports in 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to create supply chain and logistical issues. Lower production also compounded the impact on Australian exports as herd rebuilding continued. However, increased prices across international markets kept export volumes high relative to production. As a result, exports represented 72% of total red meat production over the year. In total, Australia exported 1.45 million tonnes of red meat, a 10.4% decline from 2020 levels.
  • Industry News
    Beef industry celebrates female contribution to sustainability this International Women’s Day
    07 March 2022
    Female leaders from across the thriving Australian beef industry are reiterating the critical role women play in achieving sustainability this International Women’s Day.
  • Industry News
    2021 season buoys lamb weights
    03 March 2022
    Above-average conditions experienced in many sheep regions during 2021 supported a significant uptick in average lamb carcase weights compared to the 10-year average, MLA analysis shows.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    03 March 2022
    Encouragingly, restocker buyers at South Australian saleyards this week have operated strongly on lambs, driving the state’s indicator price to 98c/kg cwt or 11% higher than week ago levels.

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