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Search Results for Cattle prices

Results 301-310 of 1803
  • Industry News
    Low female slaughter rate bodes well for supply uptick
    26 May 2022
    The Female Slaughter Rate (FSR) is a technical indicator of whether the national cattle herd is operating in a liquidation or rebuilding stage. The FSR tracks the number of female cattle killed compared with the total as a percentage.
  • Industry News
    Strong start to 2022 for lot fed sector
    25 May 2022
    The Australian lot feeding sector has had a strong start to 2022, outperforming the previous December 2021 quarter in nearly every metric measured by the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA) Lot feeding brief released by ALFA and MLA this Monday.
  • Industry News
    Official livestock slaughter and production figures released for Q1
    20 May 2022
    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released its official livestock slaughter and production figures for the first quarter of 2022. In the three months to March, average cattle carcase weights reached 324.4kg/head. This was 10.8kg heavier than at the same time last year.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    19 May 2022
    The heavy steer indicator has softened by 21c week-on-week, with only half the throughput seen last week. Casino has 18% of the contribution but was paying 29c under the national average. The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) throughput has also softened this week, dropping below 8,000 head. This is due to rain events in Queensland preventing larger sales going ahead, including Roma.
  • Industry News
    Slaughter numbers bounce back
    12 May 2022
    National slaughter volumes for cattle, sheep and lambs have bounced back quickly after the Easter period. The capacity of processing facilities was affected during the month of April by the series of public holidays and challenges with maintaining supply.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    12 May 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has softened 27¢/kg cwt week-on-week with yardings back to numbers regularly seen in full weeks. Larger saleyards like Singleton, Casino and Dubbo were fetching a premium on the national average with prices between 1,131¢/kg cwt and 1,135¢/kg cwt.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    04 May 2022
    The Western Young Cattle Indicator (WYCI) hit a new record this week at 1,222.66¢/kg cwt after strong April rainfall in WA improved restocker sentiments. This beat the previous record from 22 April by 3¢, with the indicator increasing 73¢ on Tuesday after the Muchea sale. However, while prices are stronger, yardings are still seasonally softer.
  • Industry News
    Turn-off methods for Queensland steers shift
    03 May 2022
    Recent analysis conducted by MLA’s Market Information Team reveals an interesting shift over the past decade in turn-off points for Queensland steers.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    28 April 2022
    This week Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has released a new indicator, the Live Export Price Indicator (LEPI), which is based on sampled feeder male cattle prices for Indonesia live export cattle from Darwin.
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    21 April 2022
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) has softened 14¢ week-on-week to 1,072.49¢/kg cwt. This is after a 61% reduction from last week in the number of head reporting due to Good Friday and Easter Monday, which limited saleyard throughput.

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