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Results 261-270 of 6769
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    28 March 2024
    This week was a record-breaking week in the markets, with the highest lamb and cattle slaughter in years. It was largely driven by market dynamics and the smaller yardings due to the Easter long weekend.
  • MLA display marquee at Beef Australia 2024
    Located near the McKenzie Pavillion, MLA’s trade display marquee will showcase our suite of: research and development projects on-farm practical...
  • Industry News
    Survey highlights widespread optimism in beef sector
    27 March 2024
    The inaugural Beef Producers Intentions Survey (BPIS), facilitated by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), has indicated a sense of optimism among Australian beef producers regarding the  industry over the next 12 months.
  • Industry News
    Prices and weather hold back lamb sales in 2023
    27 March 2024
    The latest data from the joint Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) Sheep Producer Intentions PULSE Survey (SPIS) was published earlier this week, showing that producers held onto their lambs due to concerns about weather conditions and pricing.
  • Industry News
    Celebrating 25 years of eating quality outcomes
    26 March 2024
    2023 marked the 25th Anniversary of MSA, the world’s leading eating quality grading system. The 2022–23 Annual Outcomes Report (AOR) highlights the progress of the MSA program including the record $259 million estimated farmgate returns to MSA beef producers in 2022–23.
  • Resources
    Optiweigh lands southern WA – preliminary learnings
    25 March 2024
    Stirlings to Coast Farmers (SCF) applied for an MLA-funded project to demonstrate the Optiweigh unit, an in-paddock cattle weighing system, on properties in Southern WA. A large component of the project was to show the economic value of utilising the system in terms of improved labour efficiency, closer monitoring of animal weights and using the weight data to optimise compliance with target market weight specifications in order to receive premium prices.
  • Industry News
    First Beef Producers Intentions Survey signals optimism about Australia’s beef industry
    25 March 2024
    The first ever Beef Producers Intentions Survey (BPIS), facilitated by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), has indicated there is a strong sentiment of positivity among producers about the future of the Australian beef industry over the next 12 months.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    22 March 2024
    The cattle market was mixed, with an overall improvement in prices across the week. Yardings eased by 24%, a 27,024 decline to 51,696 head.
  • Industry News
    How has saleyard throughput changed?
    21 March 2024
    Earlier this month, MLA released the Industry projections 2024: Australian cattle report, citing the herd would ease by less than 1% to 28.6 million head by 30 June 2024. After growing for three consecutive years through the 2020–2022 rebuild, the younger herd has now reached production maturity, pushing more processor-ready animals through sales channels.
  • Industry News
    Outlook for cattle and sheep remains strong
    21 March 2024
    The outlook for the cattle and sheep industry is strong, with a good production forecast in 2024. This year, Australia is expected to remain within a neutral Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), while the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) outlook indicates either an El Niño or La Niña event. Long-term forecasts for a La Niña event in 2024 are varied.

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