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Search Results for Lamb prices

Results 171-180 of 1338
  • Industry News
    Weekly sheep and cattle market wrap
    24 February 2023
    Cattle prices remained firm across most categories this week, while buoyant sheep supply did little to dampen prices as slaughter reaches two-year highs.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    17 February 2023
    National cattle yardings improved by 7,351 head, especially in Queensland and NSW. Throughput in the feeder steer indicator improved by 36% week-on-week. This has placed pricing pressures on the indicator which reached 384.83¢/kg live weight (lwt).
  • Resources
    Liming extending the season at Rosewood
    13 February 2023
    John Jervois, his partner, Rebecca and parents, John and Rose run a livestock enterprise of 700 Angus beef breeders and 900 composite ewes on an aggregation of 1,009ha near Rosewood, NSW. The average annual rainfall is 950mm, supporting perennial ryegrass, phalaris and subclover pastures.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    10 February 2023
    With the uptick in supply, prices have eased since the end of last year but held relatively steady in 2023. The new Processor Cow Indicator (previously the Medium Cow) shows that, due to current pressure of higher prices on the processors, buyers met with solid demand this week. This caused a stabilisation to occur in the market.
  • Industry News
    MLA Market Snapshot reports released
    08 February 2023
    MLA has released a suite of 2021–2022 Market Snapshot reports covering 13 key global markets (including Australia) for beef and sheepmeat. The snapshots provide the most recent insights into consumers, retail and foodservice sectors, and our trading environment, including export data and competitive landscape.
  • Industry News
    MLA market insights: weekly update
    03 February 2023
    On Thursday 16 February, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) will present a live webinar covering all key aspects of Australia’s sheep flock and its forecasts for 2023
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    27 January 2023
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) had a relatively stable week this week after significant softening from pre-Christmas prices to 781.39c/kg carcase weight (cwt). The Western Young Cattle Indicator (WYCI) currently sits at a premium in comparison to the EYCI with the current rate at 857.25c/kg cwt.
  • Industry News
    Sheep market strong and steady for start of 2023
    27 January 2023
    For the first time since 2016, mutton prices have dropped below $3/kg carcase weight, currently down 98c since the start of the year – a fall of 25%. In contrast, the Trade Lamb Indicator (TLI) has risen 4%, and the heavy lamb indicator is up 4.6% over the same time frame. Light lamb’s trajectory is following that of mutton – down 7%.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    20 January 2023
    For the first full market week of 2023, slaughter volumes across most categories improved strongly. This indicates a large supply of slaughter-weight animals as producers rebuild their flocks and herds. Week-on-week, cattle numbers have improved by 62%, or 31,300 head, indicating that stock held back due to weight gain performance are beginning to hit the market. Comparing year-on-year volumes, numbers are higher by 32%, or 19,500 head, indicating a strong start to 2023.
  • Industry News
    New ABS data highlights crucial role of red meat in national commodities
    19 January 2023
    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its annual 2021–22 Value of Agricultural Commodities data this week, highlighting the crucial role the Australian red meat industry plays in national commodities.

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