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  • Market News
    NSW weekly sheep summary
    26 June 2015
    Lamb consignments throughout NSW reported markets increased by 13% week-on-week, for a total of 93,559 head. Dubbo slipped by 23%, at 19,420 lambs, as Tamworth lost 25% and penned 3,675 head.
  • Market News
    US cattle on feed exceeds market forecast
    27 June 2018
    US beef production is set to surpass 12.3 million tonnes this year, supporting the ever-growing US export footprint. In this article, we assess the supply and demand of US beef and the potential impact on US cattle prices.
  • Market News
    China pork shortage energising global beef markets
    28 November 2019
    In recent weeks, acute pork shortages and surging retail prices in China have kicked several global beef indicators.
  • Industry News
    Quarterly national lamb slaughter highest on record: ABS
    17 May 2024
    The latest livestock products data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that last quarter, Australia had the highest lamb slaughter on record at 6,935,700 head.
  • Market News
    Queensland restocker yearling steer indicator above 400¢
    02 February 2017
    The Queensland restocker yearling steer indicator has jumped out of the blocks in 2017, with prices continually rising since markets reopened. While the average price paid by processors and feeders has also risen, restockers are evidently the ones driving the market, with the indicator above 400¢/kg lwt for the first time since October last year, when the indicator hit a record 418¢/kg lwt. For the other categories, feeders have also lifted, yet not nearly to the same extent, with the Queensland feeder yearling steer indicator at 367¢/kg cwt, while those to processors are at 343¢/kg lwt. Traditionally, the average price paid by the three buying groups is very close, yet demonstrating the strong restocking intent – despite a hot and dry summer, and below average three month rainfall outlook – the average price paid by restockers is almost at a record premium to the other two parties. It’s highly likely that the restocking, processor and feeder yearling steer indicators will eventually realign, noting the longstanding relationship. With this in mind, restockers should act with caution at current price levels. To conduct your own analysis and for a deeper dive into the data, visit MLA’s revamped market reports and prices webpage, where you can chart, download and listen to the latest market information.
  • Market News
    A mixed month for lamb market
    30 July 2020
    The lamb market has seen significant fluctuations in July, with subdued demand a factor.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    27 January 2023
    The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) had a relatively stable week this week after significant softening from pre-Christmas prices to 781.39c/kg carcase weight (cwt). The Western Young Cattle Indicator (WYCI) currently sits at a premium in comparison to the EYCI with the current rate at 857.25c/kg cwt.
  • Market News
    Saleyard indicators surge
    28 June 2016
    Young cattle and lamb prices throughout the eastern states saleyards continued to rise in the final week of June – the result of good rainfall across many regions and an improved seasonal outlook.
  • Market News
    WA weekly sheep summary
    16 July 2015
    Continuing dry conditions across most of WA’s southern regions is generating discussions of early turnoff of stock and the probability of low new season lamb numbers and weights.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    13 October 2023
    Cattle yardings lifted by 8,243 from last week to 34,299 head, as several sales in NSW and Queensland that did not run in the previous week due to public holidays ran this week.

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