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Search Results for Pasture dieback

Results 71-73 of 73
  • Industry News
    MLA R&D reports now more accessible
    12 November 2020
    Red meat producers and industry stakeholders can now access and digest Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) research and development (R&D) reports more easily with the launch of a range of initiatives by MLA.
  • Industry News
    Redefining resilience at Beef Australia 2021
    19 March 2021
    Driving producer profits and building a stronger future for the Australian beef industry will be the focus of a series of free seminars hosted by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) at Beef Australia 2021.
  • Industry News
    Tackling industry’s key priorities
    11 February 2021
    With MLA’s Strategic Plan 2025 a little over 12 months in operation, Mick Crowley, General Manager – Research, Development & Adoption, talks about how MLA’s RD&A program areas, particularly the Investment Call, are evolving to align with MLA’s guiding principles to direct resources into fewer, higher-impact programs of work that will deliver the best outcomes for industry.

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