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Search Results for Global Markets Update

Results 61-70 of 234
  • Industry News
    Lamb slaughter rates down as producers look to rebuild flock
    29 September 2020
    Despite demand uncertainties, sheep producers appear to have commenced flock rebuilding amid improved seasonal conditions, high end productivity and record lamb prices, according to Meat & Livestock Australia’s 2020 Sheep Industry Projections September update.
  • Industry News
    New report unveils sheepmeat’s unique global position
    05 April 2017
    A new MLA report reveals the unique global position of sheepmeat, the factors impacting its consumption and trade, and what it means for Australian lamb and mutton.
  • Industry News
    On the ground in Central Queensland
    04 December 2015
    Last week MLA’s Managing Director, Richard Norton, and General Manager – Central Marketing and Industry Insights, Lisa Sharp, joined AgForce Queensland and the Cattle Council of Australia in Central Queensland for a series of forums including St Lawrence, Nebo, Middlemount, Clermont and Alpha.
  • Industry News
    Get listed on the Aussie Meat Trade Hub Exporters Database
    19 December 2023
    After its recent launch this year, the Aussie Meat Trade Hub has quickly become MLA’s single-source for resources and services to assist with buying, selling, promoting and marketing Australian beef, lamb and goatmeat products internationally across global markets. As an Australian exporter and/or producer, you may be eligible to be listed on the Aussie Meat Trade Hub Exporters Database.ase
  • Industry News
    Exports to the US to continue climbing
    18 April 2024
    Last Friday, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published the April Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade report, which included updated forecasts of US beef imports and exports. The forecasts show a substantial shift in prospective US trade flows. Although US export forecasts have been revised up slightly, US imports have been revised up by 184,000 tonnes carcase weight equivalent (cwe) to 1.89 million tonnes cwe. This means that the net trade balance for 2024 (exports minus imports) has been revised down 175,000 tonnes to minus 622,000 tonnes, the largest deficit since 2008.
  • Industry News
    North America market update
    19 December 2023
    As Australian red meat supply picks up, MLA is supporting exporters and levy payers to capitalise on the positive trading conditions in North America.
  • Industry News
    World’s largest international trade show continues to grow
    13 March 2023
    Gulfood 2023 has just wrapped up in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and remains the largest international trade show held to date.
  • Industry News
    Adult cattle turnoff forecast to fall as herd rebuild remains on the horizon
    28 July 2020
    The Australian cattle market finds itself in a unprecedented position, with many diverging factors impacting the industry in addition to COVID-19, according to Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Cattle Industry Projections July update.
  • Industry News
    ABSF announces date for launch of latest beef industry sustainability report card
    19 May 2022
    The performance of the beef industry against key markers of sustainability and the leadership role Australia is playing in the global discussion surrounding sustainable agriculture will come into focus at the launch of the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (ABSF) Annual Update in Sydney on Thursday, 16 June 2022.
  • About MLA
    MLA 2015 sheep industry projections July update
    27 July 2015
    Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) latest sheep industry projections have been released suggesting that records are tipped to tumble again this year with increased lamb production and exports predicted.

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