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Search Results for Case Study

Results 521-530 of 790
  • Resources
    Transport hub ‘one-stop-shop’ for livestock transport info
    08 March 2024
    Livestock transporter Athol Carter – who was a collaborating partner in the Transport hub’s development – said the new central resource will support everyone in the supply chain to better understand their responsibilities and learn about the practical measures they can take to meet industry and community expectations.
  • R&D
    P.PSH.0852 - Reducing the financial impact of endemic conditions in sheep - a value chain approach
    Online Summary
  • Resources
    Exclusion Feeding for Lambs in Drought
    This Producer Demonstration Site aims to demonstrate that early introduction and exclusion feeding of lambs during drought can result can...
  • Industry News
    Putting down the roots of resilience
    19 July 2022
    Fifth generation stud cattle producers Erica and Stuart Halliday are weathering extremes and improving their resilience and productivity by focusing on soil health and changing their grazing management system.
  • Industry News
    Water ponding rehydrates rangelands
    04 April 2023
    As part of the Rangelands Living Skin project, a group of NSW producers are running trials of low-cost, scalable practices that offer possible solutions to increase farm income and landscape function.
  • R&D
    Value of Defensive R&D Investments
    Meat and Livestock engaged The CIE and ACIL Allen Consulting to develop a framework for assessing defensive R&D investments by...
  • Industry News
    Reducing carbon makes economic sense
    04 October 2018
    Mark Wootton and Eve Kantor (pictured) share the tactics they've employed to achieve carbon neutrality and outline their Victorian livestock enterprise’s four key profit drivers.
  • Industry News
    Why scanning makes sense
    12 February 2020
    Why scanning makes sense
  • Industry News
    Carbon EDGE pilot comes to Mackay
    30 October 2023
    Red meat producers in Mackay, Queensland are encouraged to sign up and participate in Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) brand new, pilot Carbon EDGE program. Sponsored places are now being offered at only $250 + GST for the full two-day workshop in person. To be held from 10:00am 9-10 November 2023, the pilot will help producers build on their understanding of carbon. Offering independent information, the program will help participants move into a planning and action phase, identifying technologies and methods that could be incorporated into their business to benefit their bottom line and the environment. It is also suitable for advisors and other service providers looking to enhance their understanding of the current operating environment. Delivered by Rhonda Toms-Morgan from ConnectAg and Sarah Barrett from Pinion Advisory, the pilot program will deliver personalised information, small group learning, practical activities and case studies, data and examples from the local region. Attending this workshop will help producers learn: • key terminology and concepts relating to greenhouse gases (GHG) within the red meat industry, such as insetting vs offsetting, scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, carbon footprint, carbon baseline and emissions intensities. • win-win options for improving their environmental footprint whilst improving livestock productivity • in-depth information on the practices to reduce and sequester GHG within a livestock grazing business • weighing up opportunities and risks associated with generating carbon credits and how they can be used to benefit livestock businesses • understanding carbon neutrality and how it aligns to their business goals • developing a carbon action plan that incorporates practical, achievable strategies to meet objectives. Places are strictly limited so be sure to register soon to avoid disappointment.
  • R&D
    Accelerated processing of sheep meat
    Background Attempts over the years to speed up the slaughter and processing of meat have been limited by the impact...

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