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Search Results for Global Markets Update

Results 41-50 of 234
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update: a note from Andrew Cox
    27 June 2023
    Global Markets Update: a note from Andrew Cox
  • Industry News
    Annual sustainability scorecard reveals new records for industry and sets future course with goals
    08 June 2023
    The ABSF Annual Update is a yearly scorecard and snapshot of the sustainability performance of the industry, reporting on a number of priority issues to monitor progress against recognised standards and metrics. This year, in its sixth edition, it has increased the number of indicators to 54, spanning the four foundational themes of: best animal care; environmental stewardship; economic resilience; and people and the community.
  • Industry News
    How does Australian goatmeat fare on the world stage?
    25 May 2023
    MLA has released its annual Global snapshot: Goatmeat, offering a comprehensive analysis of Australia's leading role in the global goatmeat market.
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update – a note from Andrew Cox
    13 March 2023
    The first 2023 edition of MLA’s Global Markets Update (GMU) highlights the recently launched Aussie Meat Trade Hub, which has been in development for the past year. The previous platforms that MLA’s commercial partners used to deliver and receive information from customers and other stakeholders were outdated and dispersed across eight different websites, causing confusion for users. To address this issue, an overhaul was required. The hub will now serve as a one-stop shop for MLA’s commercial partners looking to grow their Australian red meat sales.
  • Industry News
    Japan’s Supermarket Trade Show returns to face-to-face trade
    13 March 2023
    In February, MLA showcased Australian red meat at the 2023 Supermarket Trade Show (SMTS) – the largest retail-focused trade show in Japan – with the event finally returning to face-to-face trade for the first time since 2020.
  • Industry News
    World’s largest international trade show continues to grow
    13 March 2023
    Gulfood 2023 has just wrapped up in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and remains the largest international trade show held to date.
  • Industry News
    Logos to change for the 'Aussie' brand
    13 March 2023
    In 2014, MLA launched the ‘True Aussie’ Beef, Lamb and Goat logos to unify and convey a consistent and strong brand identity in the global markets. This has brought about efficiencies in strategy development as well as brand enforcement across markets.
  • Industry News
    US beef prices rising as slaughter remains at record highs
    23 February 2023
    Expected declines in American beef production are pushing prices up, while slaughter rates remain at historically high levels.
  • Industry News
    Australia’s sheep flock to reach largest size in over 15 years
    14 February 2023
    The Australian sheepmeat industry is set for another bumper year in 2023 as the national sheep flock grows to its highest level since 2007 at 78.75m head, according to the latest Sheep Industry Projections update from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    10 February 2023
    With the uptick in supply, prices have eased since the end of last year but held relatively steady in 2023. The new Processor Cow Indicator (previously the Medium Cow) shows that, due to current pressure of higher prices on the processors, buyers met with solid demand this week. This caused a stabilisation to occur in the market.

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