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Search Results for New Zealand

Results 341-350 of 700
  • Market News
    Kiwi lamb exports expand in March
    25 May 2017
    Kiwi lamb exports expand in March
  • Busy start to 2016 for Korean beef importers
    22 March 2016
    Australia remains the largest source of imported beef in Korea so far in 2016, with 51% of total imports after the first two months of the year, while US beef accounted for 40%.
  • Market News
    How did 2015 fare for Australian lamb exports?
    12 January 2016
    Australian lamb exports reached 233,999 tonnes swt in 2015 – back slightly (1%) from 2014’s record volume, but 23% higher than the five-year average.
  • Market News
    Limited offerings on US imported beef market
    20 October 2016
    As has been the case over the last few months, trading activity on the US imported beef market remained fairly light this week, on the back of lower domestic beef prices and reduced offerings from overseas suppliers. According to the Steiner Consulting Group’s weekly report commissioned by MLA, some imported beef prices increased slightly this week – although mostly due to tight supplies, rather than stronger demand. The imported 90CL beef indicator lifted 3.5US¢ from week-ago levels, to 188.5US¢/lb CIF (up 5.2A¢, to 542.7A¢/kg CIF). Compared to the same time last year, however, the indicator is down 13US¢ (71.4A¢). An update from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the US foodservice sector has had weaker sales and foot-traffic results over the last few months. Steiner Consulting believe this is likely to have contributed to lower demand for imported grinding beef, as the majority of imported beef is utilised in US foodservice. Australian and New Zealand beef imports remain limited and the reports suggests that the availability of South American beef is also expected to remain limited for the remainder of 2016. Now more than half way through the month, Australian beef exports to the US (as at 17 October) have reached 5,869 tonnes swt, and there is no doubt shipments will be considerably lower than October last year, at 22,072 tonnes swt (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources).
  • Market News
    Health protocol signed to enable the export of Australian slaughter cattle to China
    30 July 2015
    Australia has signed a health protocol to enable the export of feeder / slaughter cattle to China. This will help grow live cattle exports to China and diversify the live export trade for Australia.
  • Market News
    Spotlight on Hong Kong - 2015 shifts in red meat imports
    01 October 2015
    Australian red meat exports to Hong Kong have declined this year – in large part due to regulatory and market access changes in Asia. With improvements in access to other markets, the industry has been able to generate other business throughout the region.
  • R&D
    ALC X-Ray Primal System
    Background Robotic Technologies (RTL) in conjunction with several other stakeholders including Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and a New Zealand...
  • Market News
    Rising demand in Indonesia supported by trade deal
    05 September 2018
    Australian red meat and live cattle exports are set to benefit from the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), which was finalised on 31 August 2018 and is expected to be signed by the end of the year.
  • R&D
    ALC Colac LEAP III Production System Upgrade Project
    Background Robotic Technologies (RTL) in conjunction with several other stakeholders including Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and a New Zealand...
  • Market News
    Imported beef market continues to rise
    18 February 2016
    The imported 90CL cow beef indicator rose another 2.5US¢, to 196.5US¢/lb CIF (up 4.1A¢, to 606.9A¢/kg CIF), and where will the US buy beef from in 2016?

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