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Search Results for Global Markets Update

Results 21-30 of 234
  • 2023 – MLA year in review
    20 December 2023
    There have been plenty of challenges and uncertainty in the livestock sector this year. Markets and weather dominating so much of the commentary. While we are aware of the challenges and supporting the industry as best as we can, at Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), we’ve also been busy telling Australian red meat’s good news story to industry and consumers, here and overseas. I wanted to quickly share with you what we’ve been up to this year and some personal highlights as I sign off as Managing Director at Christmas.
  • Industry News
    Australia-European Union FTA update
    19 December 2023
    A group of representatives from the Australia-EU Red Meat Market Access Taskforce travelled to Osaka, Japan, in October 2023 to coincide with Trade Minister Don Farrell’s meeting with his EU counterpart for the intention of finalising a free trade agreement between Australia and the European Union.
  • Industry News
    North America market update
    19 December 2023
    As Australian red meat supply picks up, MLA is supporting exporters and levy payers to capitalise on the positive trading conditions in North America.
  • Industry News
    Get listed on the Aussie Meat Trade Hub Exporters Database
    19 December 2023
    After its recent launch this year, the Aussie Meat Trade Hub has quickly become MLA’s single-source for resources and services to assist with buying, selling, promoting and marketing Australian beef, lamb and goatmeat products internationally across global markets. As an Australian exporter and/or producer, you may be eligible to be listed on the Aussie Meat Trade Hub Exporters Database.ase
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    17 November 2023
    Cattle prices lifted this week, particularly for feeder and restocker cattle. Yardings lifted 10,578 to 45,061 head, slightly above the five-week average of 44,677.
  • Industry News
    Wheat environment inches closer to normal
    27 October 2023
    The September Agricultural Commodities update from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is useful for understanding the global outlook for grains, especially wheat. In general, the update shows declines in Australian production, while rebalancing in other markets means that the next marketing year is set to be more ‘normal’ than the previous one.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    20 October 2023
    At the time of writing (Thursday 19 October), several market reports from this week have not been uploaded to the NLRS database due to technical issues, impacting the current presentation of yardings, indicator prices and the market reports themselves.
  • Industry News
    Live exports update
    22 September 2023
    Despite considerable challenges for live cattle export in August, numbers exported rose relative to year-ago levels in August, rising by 22% from year-ago levels to 54,650 head. This increase is consistent with increases seen so far in 2023, as numbers increase from the low 2022 levels.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    22 September 2023
    On Tuesday, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) declared that El Niño and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) are underway. This suggests that spring and summer this year are likely to be hotter and drier than average, which aligns with previous forecasts from the BOM.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    15 September 2023
    Cattle yardings rose by 6,383 to 44,533 head. The market eased this week, with price movements consistent between saleyards compared to previous weeks.

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