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Search Results for Cattle slaughter

Results 111-120 of 1623
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    15 September 2023
    Cattle yardings rose by 6,383 to 44,533 head. The market eased this week, with price movements consistent between saleyards compared to previous weeks.
  • Industry News
    Strong demand for Australian beef drive exports to US
    14 September 2023
    Although easing this year, cow prices have outperformed the market relative to changes in the cattle market overall. Since the start of 2023, the processor cow indicator has eased by 28%, compared to a 36% decline in cattle prices overall.
  • Industry News
    World first automated bunk management trial matches humans
    13 September 2023
    A collaboration between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), Bovine Dynamics, the University of Queensland and Manabotix has led to the development of an algorithm which will see automated bunk scanning deliver time savings and more accurate decision making for the beef feedlot sector.
  • Industry News
    Short lairage drives productivity
    12 September 2023
    New findings from Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) funded research indicate short duration lairage can maximise productivity for the grainfed supply chain. The duration of time and location where cattle are housed between arrival at an abattoir and slaughter is termed ‘lairage'. For Australian feedlot cattle, lairage duration is highly variable and can range between 2–36 hours, but more commonly ranges between 12–24 hours, and typically involves an overnight stay. Short duration lairage (SDL) of between three to four hours resulted in positive impacts on hot standard carcase weight (HSCW), hydration status and liver glycogen with no negative outcomes to meat quality and food safety parameters.
  • Industry News
    Lamb exports highest on record
    08 September 2023
    31,779 tonnes of Australian lamb were exported in August, 21% more than August 2022 and the highest monthly export volume on record.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    08 September 2023
    Cattle yardings were their lowest in nine weeks this week, tightening by 11,108 to 38,150 head. Yardings in NSW and Victoria eased marginally due to fortnightly sales not running this week, while yardings in Queensland tightened by 10,778 head. Numbers in Queensland eased in every sale, with sales an average of 29% smaller than the week before.
  • Industry News
    Productive herds deliver a greener bottom line
    06 September 2023
    Argyle Foods Group (AFG), a vertically integrated pastoral company and parent to Argyle Carbon, aims to make impactful environmental change across its grazing properties in NSW and Victoria.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    01 September 2023
    Consistent with trends over the past few months, the cattle market generally eased this week. Cattle yardings totaled 43,493 head, just 12 head more than last week. Most sales numbers increased or fell very slightly, except for Dalby, where yardings fell by 2,381 to 4,763 head.
  • Industry News
    US cattle herd begins to shift
    01 September 2023
    In 2023, the female slaughter rate (FSR) in the United States is 51.5%, suggesting that the US cattle herd is still destocking. At the same time, overall slaughter in the US is down 28% for the year-to-date, as overall female slaughter has declined at roughly the same rate as bull and steer slaughter.
  • Industry News
    Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap
    25 August 2023
    Cattle eased by 8,231 head from last week to 43,481 head, as yardings fell in all states except Tasmania.

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