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Search Results for Global Markets Update

Results 1-10 of 235
  • Marketing
    Global Markets Update newsletter
    Global Markets Update e-newsletter
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update: a note from Andrew Cox
    27 June 2023
    Global Markets Update: a note from Andrew Cox
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update – a note from Andrew Cox
    08 March 2022
    With the gradual opening of various international borders, MLA has finally been able to activate parts of our international marketing program that have been mostly dormant for a couple of years. In the last few months, we’ve seen the return of face-to-face customer events and seminars, restaurant and retail promotions, and even trade events involving international travel.
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update – a note from Andrew Cox
    07 November 2022
    MLA’s international markets team has always had a strong focus on building knowledge, education and inspiration for customers in key markets all around the world. Each year our team conducts thousands of activities to help position Australian red meat and grow opportunities for increased sales.
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update – a note from Andrew Cox
    13 March 2023
    The first 2023 edition of MLA’s Global Markets Update (GMU) highlights the recently launched Aussie Meat Trade Hub, which has been in development for the past year. The previous platforms that MLA’s commercial partners used to deliver and receive information from customers and other stakeholders were outdated and dispersed across eight different websites, causing confusion for users. To address this issue, an overhaul was required. The hub will now serve as a one-stop shop for MLA’s commercial partners looking to grow their Australian red meat sales.
  • Industry News
    Global Markets Update – a note from Andrew Cox
    28 June 2022
    In March, MLA’s international market leaders were able to come together face-to-face in Australia for the first time in over three years. Key on the agenda was improving consistency and collaboration across our 16 offshore locations, and ultimately for this financial year and beyond we will have only four large, global and scalable projects across the whole team
  • Industry News
    Global marketing update - video diary from Japan
    28 August 2015
    As a global marketing company, MLA has six international business managers, based in key export regions. In the first of our monthly updates from ‘on the ground’ Andrew Cox has dialled in via Skype to video blog about the latest trend of Japanese summer barbecues and love of Aussie red meat.
  • Industry News
    Updated global market snapshots released
    19 November 2018
    MLA has updated its online global and domestic market snapshots with new consumer insights, market access developments and 2017-18 export performance data
  • Industry News
    Highest sheepmeat and goatmeat exports on record
    04 July 2024
    The past financial year has seen a huge burst in export volumes, with Australian export numbers for red meat the highest on record at over 2 million tonnes. Lamb, mutton and goatmeat all had record high volumes, while beef exports matched the levels seen during 2019–20.
  • Industry News
    Global marketing update - video diary from Dubai
    05 February 2016
    MLA's International Business Manager for the Middle East/North Africa, David Beatty, guides viewers through the meat section of a supermarket in Dubai. He also explains how MLA is working with retailers and celebrity chef Tarek Ibrahim to promote Australian red meat in this diverse region

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