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V.ISC.0003 - Summary of work completed before termination

Did you know that data governance and strategy is increasingly important for the red meat industry?

Project start date: 20 March 2023
Project end date: 30 January 2024
Publication date: 24 January 2024
Project status: Terminated
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This investment was to updated and align the MLA data strategy to facilitate delivery on the MLA strategic plan. The project was terminated as the approach was not achieving the objectives.


Review and refresh the MLA Data strategy, engaging members across the MLA Group to ensure the data strategy and action plan aligns to the whole business objectives and strategic priorities.

Key findings

There is a need to formalise the data strategy for MLA. The company needs to clarify the goal of the data strategy before an external consultant will be able to effectively help with the strategy.

Benefits to industry

MLA and ISC are custodians and producers of a lot of data. This project started to help understand how this data can be analysed and utilized to provide insights to industry.

MLA action

MLA will bring together a data working group from across the business to ensure that relevant members are informed of data related projects and outcomes.

Future research

There will be no future research as the project was terminated as objectives were not being achieved.

More information

Project manager: Hayley Robinson
Contact email: