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V.ISC.0002 - Bespoke eNVD Adoption for Livestock Transporters

The transport sector plays a critical role in the movement of livestock across Australia.

Project start date: 03 March 2023
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 08 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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Historically, the livestock transport sector has not been a stakeholder group that MLA/ISC has previously had strong relationships, or connections with, however, it is a key intermediary between electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) creator and receiver. Moving to digital consignments has implications for the way transport companies receive and manage eNVDs and this project will build on prior industry engagement with the transport sector to understand their specific needs for adoption of eNVD. The project also supports the consultant to understand and co-develop programs that drive uptake of digital consignments in the Australian livestock transport sector.


  • Livestock transporters to adopt the use of eNVD into their business practices.
  • Identify and address user issues that livestock transporters encounter.
  • Report recommendations to ISC on the improvement/changes to the eNVD product that will assist in the functionality and user experience of the eNVD.

Key findings

  • The livestock transport task varies greatly across Australia with many individual businesses and stakeholders all having niche requirements for the eNVD functionality with their business.
  • There are similar barriers for livestock transport operators across Australia that require some improvement to the functionality of the eNVD app to assist with the adoption of the eNVD.

Benefits to industry

Engagement of the Livestock Transport sector with ISC/MLA to assist ISC to improve the eNVD to facilitate a greater uptake of the use of the eNVD within the livestock transport industry and associated red meat supply chain.

MLA action

Further research to understand how livestock transporters use NVDs, and mapping the different use case scenario will be required for continued adoption of digital consignments by the transport sector. ISC will run an application process to select a relevant tender to work with industry stakeholders and transport operators to carry out a scoping exercise of the different transport journey scenarios that exist.

Future research

The livestock transport industry is a complex function with many different requirements from transporters, saleyards, processor, producers and feedlots for the use of NVD. Further improvements to the app as identified in the project is required.

More information

Project manager: Demelsa Lollback
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Agrigrowers Management Pty Ltd