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L.SFP.1015 - Project Final Report- Development of a web version of the SB-GAF calculator tool

The SB-GAF calculator facilitates market access for sheep and beef producers and will leverage existing programs, tools, and resources where relevant.

Project start date: 19 September 2022
Project end date: 14 September 2024
Publication date: 22 April 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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The investment goal is to enable growth in the value of and trust in Australian grassfed beef products and their production through demonstrating environmental credentials. The problem being addressed is the absence of a national online web-based version of the Sheep and Beef Greenhouse Accounting Framework (SB-GAF) tool for Australian red meat producers to complete a carbon account/emissions baseline. MLA should invest because the Environmental Credentials Information Technology (ECIT) Platform is crucial to achieving the milestones outlined in the Smart Farming Partnership Grant, which MLA is leading through the Environmental Credentials of Grassfed Beef Project and the SB-GAF tool is a required data source for the platform.


The Supplier, in consultation with MLA, will construct the web-based tool with architecture and functionality that is to be informed by MLA IT Development standards guide and a planning and design milestone with MLA.

Deliverables to be delivered in line with the user requirements outlined below

Calculator tool:

- A fully-functioning, highly user-friendly web version of the sheep and beef greenhouse accounting framework that is currently in excel spreadsheet format available on the MLA tools and calculators web
page, and ready to be embedded as a data source for the carbon balance credential on the Environmental Commercial in Confidence 4 Credentials platform. The supplier is responsible for the generation of the excel spreadsheet formulas into web coding to enable a more functional tool for users.

- Integrates into the myMLA SSO portal if users wish to save their data and share their data. Data sharing options to be discussed in the planning and design meeting, current suggestions are a QR code or an eNVD equivalent. A user will be promoted to log-in to their myMLA SSO account prior to entering data into the calculator if they wish to save and store their result. Users have the option to name the file they save to ensure they can save a file for multiple enterprises. Exploration of the above is to be further scope during milestone 1, it is the responsibility of MLA to provide the required data sharing formats with the supplier before reaching the project’s first Go/No go point to ensure the supplier can execute this requirements e.g. QR code sharing functionality.

- Supplier to enable the functionality for a user to ‘drag & drop’ a completed excel spreadsheet version of the V1.8 SB-GAF calculator into the tool for easy data input. This function will not be supported for versions earlier/older than the V1.8 version. MLA IT development standards document: As per MLA Development and standards document

- The supplier must include instructions regarding the coding methodology to MLA in the final report under milestone 5 that is in line with MLA’s development standards document. This is required to enable MLA or approved personnel to update the tool with changes to the National GHG Inventory.

- The supplier must ensure this requirement has been sufficiently met in the handover meeting with the MLA IT development team representative in milestone 4 by presenting a draft final report for MLA review Final Report: As per MLA Final Report template.

- MLA Final Report template to be provided by MLA project lead to The Supplier prior to contract execution.

- MLA final report template to also include the Supplier’s best informed estimate of the on-going maintenance inputs and costs associated to add upgrades to the tool.

Key findings

As this project was to develop the SB-GAF carbon calculator tool, there were no key findings.

Benefits to industry

The calculator facilitates market access for sheep and beef producers and will leverage existing programs, tools, and resources where relevant. The target audience encompasses the entire red meat supply chain. The adoption and usability of this calculator will be tested during a pilot phase for the environmental credentials platform that requires engagement with up to 500 red meat producers. This calculator will be a valuable tool for the Carbon EDGE package that is currently under development within the MLA adoption portfolio, the tool will underpin the skills taught in the program and ensure a smoother delivery as the usability is more advanced than the current excel version.

MLA action

MLA will house the calculator and continue to fund maintenance and updated throughout the life of the tool.

Future research

As this project was to develop the SB-GAF carbon calculator tool, no research was conducted and no future research required.

More information

Project manager: Katelyn Lubcke
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Servian Pty Ltd