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L.PGS.2206 - PGS SLP Delivery Improving Tactical Decision making Ivanhoe NSW

Improving Tactical Decision Making is a supported learning package for the PGS program.

Project start date: 05 July 2022
Project end date: 01 October 2024
Publication date: 29 July 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Relevant regions: NSW


Delivery of approved Supported Learning Package (SLP) Improving Tactical Decision Making which aims to grow and utilise native pastures to achieve a profitable livestock operation while maintaining or enhancing the natural resource base. This was delivered to a group of producers in western NSW.


The delivery of the approved Supported Learning Package (SLP) 'Improving Tactical Decision Making' aims to teach producers how to grow and utilise native pastures to achieve a profitable livestock operation while maintaining and enhancing their natural resource base. It resulted in the engagement of seven red meat producer participants in Western NSW. This investment also resulted in the mentoring/co-delivery of one new PGS deliverer for the region. This delivery took place over 12 months.

Key findings

Due to the nature of the PGS program, there are no key findings.

Benefits to industry

Profitable Grazing Systems impact that participating producers, on average receive a return of $17.47/ha due to the adoption of management practices.

MLA action

MLA will continue to invest in the PGS program.

Future research

Due to the nature of the PGS program, there was no research conducted and no further required.

More information

Project manager: Elizabeth Thelander
Contact email: