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L.PGS.2202 - PGS SLP Delivery Pasture Principles National Bundle

The Pasture Principles package has been delivered to hundreds of red meat producers across Southern Australia and continues to be in high demand when establishing groups.

Project start date: 27 May 2022
Project end date: 28 June 2024
Publication date: 13 February 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project aimed to deliver Pinion Advisory’s 'Pasture Principles' supported learning project (SLP) to 5 groups of sheep and cattle producers nationally. The SLP will be delivered in accordance with the approved SLP and focus on the feedbase curriculum.


Delivery of 5 Pasture Principles supported learning project to 5 groups of sheep and cattle.

All M&E Data including:
- participant registration forms
- pre KASA (completed forms, with questions marked correct/incorrect)
- post KASA (completed forms, with questions marked correct/incorrect)
- impact Statement
- two producer suggestions per group for case study follow up
- post –Course Participant Feedback, and
- any other relevant feedback required at the end of project.

Key findings

Due to PGS being an adoption program which does not conduct research, no key findings were found.

Benefits to industry

• The investment resulted in the delivery of this package to up to 85 producers in New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia.
• The recent Producer Adoption Impact Assessment demonstrated, on average, producers that participate in PGS can expect an additional net benefit of $18/ha annually.

MLA action

No further action is required.

Future research

Due to PGS being an adoption program which does not conduct research, no future research is required.

More information

Project manager: Elizabeth Thelander
Contact email: