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L.LSM.0031 - Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership - Program Coordinator

MLA leads a Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership.

Project start date: 15 November 2020
Project end date: 30 April 2024
Publication date: 07 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National
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This project provides external Program Coordination for the Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership (SRSP) with a key focus on working with the Management Committee to develop the partnerships strategic direction, objectives and engagement processes.


The objectives of the SRSP program Coordinators role were to:
1. Assist MLA to develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan to inform and keep industry stakeholders up-to-date on the progress of the Sheep Reproduction Strategic Partnership (SRSP).
2. Oversee the planning and hosting of a series of engagement events to include a SRSP forum and quarterly webinars.
3. Provide quarterly reports to update MLA and the SRSP Management Committee.
4. Collate and manage an on-going database of projects funded by the SRSP as well as relevant projects funded by other industry partners or international stakeholders.
5. Actively evaluate other funding sources that align with program objectives.
6. Coordinate the review of applications received to the partnership.

Key findings

The SRSP program coordinator has:
1. Kept the SRSP stakeholder assessment and engagement plans live documents continuously updated.
2. Facilitated presentations delivered to 588 industry stakeholders via a combination of zoom and in-person presentations.
3. Established the SRSP webpage on the MLA website in 2021 and refreshed in 2023.
4. Delivered thirty-three issues of the SRSP Sheep reproduction RD&A alert to 295 recipients and indirectly distrusted to more than 1,300 recipients via various industry networks and download from the SRSP website.
5. Facilitated six SRSP webinars with recordings made available to view from the SRSP website. The number of viewings of the recordings increases each quarter.
6. Coordinated an SRSP forum (October 2022) which was attended by 32 participants representing the spectrum of Australian sheep RD&A provides.
7. Provided timely executive support provided to the SRSP Management Committee.

Benefits to industry

Sheep reproduction related diseases (peri-natal mortality, dystocia, weaner ill thrift and mortality, mastitis, hypocalcaemia, pregnancy toxaemia and infectious abortion) have been estimated to cost the Australian sheep industry approximately $1.8 billion annually (Shephard et al. 2022) based on estimated production losses and the costs of prevention and treatment. Peri-natal mortality is the largest contributor at $850.6M, followed by dystocia ($528.7M) and weaner ill thrift and mortality ($225.0M) (Shephard et al. 2022).
The SRSP Program Coordinator delivers a coordinated RD&A approach to improving sheep reproductive performance.

MLA action

MLA has renewed the SRSP program coordinator role to continue facilitation of industry collaboration in sheep reproductive performance RD&A investment.

Future research

MLA maintains an ongoing RD&A investment portfolio focused on improving sheep reproductive performance.

More information

Project manager: Richard Apps
Contact email: