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L.GAP.2301 - MLA Genetics Hub video updates for new and enhanced genetic tools for sheep

​​Genetic tools assist producers to improve the overall profitability of their businesses and our Australian red meat industry.

Project start date: 07 April 2023
Project end date: 15 December 2024
Publication date: 10 July 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


​​Genetic tools assist producers to improve the overall profitability of their businesses and our Australian red meat industry. To further accelerate genetic gain, MLA continually invests in enhancing the available tools and creating new tools. In 2018, a series of videos and case studies were created to provide information about these tools in a clear and simple way. These videos, along with signposts to relevant resources, were made available on the MLA Genetics Hub ( This project updated the videos to include ​updated tools: namely, analysis enhancement of reproduction Australian Sheep Breeding Values, where Weaning Rate has replaced Number of Lambs Weaned and new indexes available.


​​​The objectives of this project are to:
- ​update existing sheep videos on the MLA Genetics Hub to reflect changes in the genetic tools available since 2018
- ​identify five videos
- make required changes to text, screenshots and voice overs
- ​create new videos to fit into the current existing short video series – six in total, approximately 3–4 minutes each. These include: ​flock profiling, sheep tools overview and use, and frequently asked questions.

Key findings

As this is an adoption project, no research was conducted and no key findings were found.

Benefits to industry

These videos will ensure this website continues to be a trusted source of up-to-date information.

MLA action

MLA continues to deliver accessible training modules, supporting producers and livestock advisors to learn and develop their skills.

Future research

As this is an adoption project, no research was conducted and no further research is required.

More information

Project manager: Siobhan McDowell
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Sound Images Pty Ltd