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L.ADP.2402 - Carbon EDGE Roma

Project start date: 01 February 2024
Project end date: 23 August 2024
Publication date: 13 May 2024
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Relevant regions: NSW, Queensland


This project supported the delivery of a Carbon EDGE workshop in Roma on 15-16 February 2024. 19 participants registered and attended the workshop. Participants reported an 8.1% satisfaction score as a result of participating in the workshop.


Deliver a Carbon EDGE to upskill producers to calculate and reduce their carbon footprint in alignment with the red meat industry’s CN30 target. The program helps participants to identify opportunities to reduce and sequester carbon whilst running a profitable and productive red meat enterprise, developing an action plan that is customised to
their own goals. By attending this workshop, participants should:
- Have an increased understanding of key terminology and concepts related to greenhouse gases in agriculture
- Use and interpret information in a Carbon Calculator
- Learn more about practices and technologies to improve their carbon footprint
Identify and short-list actions for their business that could improve their carbon footprint as part of an Action Planning process.

Benefits to industry

This workshop was held over 2 days and provided participants with an understanding of the opportunities for emissions reduction and carbon storage activities in their livestock grazing business.

Future research

Continual investment is recommended to support the roll out of Carbon EDGE workshops.

More information

Project manager: Hilary Connors
Contact email:
Primary researcher: ConnectAg