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G.MKR.2023 - Global Consumer Tracker 2023

Project start date: 01 July 2023
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 23 January 2024
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National, International


This is a continuation of the annual Global Consumer tracker which was been occurring since 2013. The main purpose of the Global Consumer Tracker is to describe consumer attitudes and behaviour in various markets around the globe which are strategic priorities for Australian beef and lamb, and to track how well Australian beef and lamb meets consumers' needs, versus competitors.

The data and insight generated by this project will be used in five main ways:
1) As an input into local brand strategy for Australian red meat by considering strengths, weaknesses and opportunities versus competitors.
2) To assist in the development of local marketing tactics and facilitate productive conversations with local partners retailers.
3) To serve as an evaluation of MLA's local marketing and market activities, and benchmarking performance against KPIs.
4) The data is used domestically in conversations with Australian red meat producers and processors to assist in the development of their own export and brand strategies.
5) The data provides topline comparative input into global reports, plans and strategic documents produced by MLA to segment and prioritise markets.

The business opportunity for MLA is in business development of export markets. This research aims to identify and substantiate a relevant consumer-oriented point of difference for Australian beef and lamb over competitors that can assist in presenting a business case to key clients including importers, exporters, retailers and foodservice vendors.

Based on discussions with IMK team in 2022, there will be the opportunity to build into 2023’s study:
• ISC: include measures to track key areas of trust as a result of learning from Project Cyclone to support ISC KPI reporting
• Country specific information requests (to be included given questionnaire length & appropriateness)
• If possible include information regarding foodservice, retail and other topics of interest.

Tracking of True Aussie in the GT to continue but with the exception of USA where makes little sense to measure given low penetration of activity and lack of ability to have COO labelling.


Accurately describe the current protein landscape in each market and, where possible, identify trends over time.
- Quantify the awareness, consumption, and key brand attributes of Australian beef and/or lamb in each market, relative to key competitors (local and other exporters).
- Have a summary by core markets (Japan, Korea, USA, UAE, KSA, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam ) over time of consumer attitudes and perceptions as a tool for local teams to use.
- Identify key market drivers of volume and value for Australian red meat, and barriers to consumption.
- Understand the recognition of True Aussie awareness in each market.

More information

Project manager: Andrew Price
Contact email: