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E.SUB.0011 - Beef Industry Animal Welfare Target Scoping Report

Project start date: 01 July 2023
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 08 July 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The aim of this project is to review the feasibility and boundaries of four proposed targets to measure progress towards the Australian Beef industry’s best animal care goal.
The targets were:
1. 100% of Australian cattle properties will be covered by a documented biosecurity plan by 2025.
2. Increase the attendance of beef industry participants throughout the supply chain in effective animal welfare related training, such as low-stress stock handling, nutrition, animal welfare officer and related courses to 90% by 2030.
3. By 2030, 80% of calves born in seedstock herds will be polled.
4. By 2030, industry will have 100% adherence to the Immune Ready Cattle Vaccination Guidelines.
A literature review was conducted to identify practice change that aligns with targets, cost benefit of these changes and potential boundaries to achieving the targets. The literature provided evidence that shifting to practices that promote good animal health and welfare has clear economic and social benefits to individual producers and the whole industry. It was suggested to review the targets to ensure they are measurable and achievable. This project provides supporting information to set challenging but realistic targets that assist in demonstrating high animal health and welfare standards in the beef industry.


1. How can the benefits to producers of achieving the above targets be determined and showcased? What might these benefits be? (e.g. productivity efficiency, weight gain, cost benefit analysis).
2. What does the industry need to do in order to achieve these targets, and what would the cost be?
3. Are there any physical boundaries to what has been proposed?

More information

Project manager: Jacob Betros
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