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E.CEM.2201 - RSHA Joint Agreement Summary

Project start date: 28 July 2021
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 14 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The project supported the development of data collection processes to support reporting against a key priority of health and safety of people in the industry relevant to the Australian Beef and Sheep Sustainability Frameworks.

The RSHA is a collaborative initiative between nine RDCs. It was established in 2019 to undertake research and development investments that impact the health and safety of Australia’s primary industries.
This agreement provided the funding to support the Alliance's second phase of operation for an additional three years (2021 to 2024). Investment in identified health and safety projects is not included but will be provided on a case-by-case basis, according to relevance to industry sectors. The outcomes will be reduced death, injury and illness and enhanced health and wellbeing across all rural industries, through increasing the capability of industry participants to identify and manage their critical health and safety risks.

The ABSF reports on RSHA as a key activity, they are currently undertaking a project to develop better data sources for industry and the data will support reporting against a key priority for both the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework and the Sheep Sustainability Framework.


The project will contribute data to support reporting against a key priority of health and safety of people in the industry relevant to both the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework and Sheep Sustainability Framework The RSHA is a collaborative initiative between nine RDCs. It was established in 2019 to undertake research and development investments that impact the health and safety of Australia’s primary industries. This agreement provides the funding to support the Alliance's second phase of operation for an additional three years (2021 to 2024). Investment in identified health and safety projects is not included but will be provided on a case-by-case basis, according to relevance to industry sectors. The outcomes will be reduced death, injury and illness and enhanced health and wellbeing across all rural industries, through increasing the capability of industry participants to identify and manage their critical health and safety risks.

The ABSF reports on RSHA as a key activity, they are currently undertaking a project to develop better data sources for industry and the data will support reporting against a key priority for both the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework and the Sheep Sustainability Framework.

More information

Project manager: Edwina Clowes
Contact email: