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B.STU.2001 - FY20 Postgraduate Scholarships

Did you know that MLA's Postgraduate Scholarship program provided financial support and networking opportunities for early career scientists in the red meat industry?

Project start date: 30 June 2020
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 05 June 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The MLA Postgraduate Scholarship program was an instrumental pathway for nurturing skilled early career scientists for the red meat industry. It attracted numerous applications from PhD candidates with projects relevant to the industry. Offering a top-up scholarship for up to three years, along with technical assistance grants, MLA facilitated crucial financial support for these students.

Moreover, MLA provided expert R&D support and mentoring throughout the students' PhD journeys, fostering closer ties between academia and industry. By showcasing PhD profiles through MLA channels, the program aimed to introduce producers to academic research and underline MLA's commitment to industry professionals. This emphasis on building human capacity and capability in R&D ensured a steady supply of dedicated professionals across the red meat value chain.

The annual postgraduate conference hosted by MLA, provided a platform for students to hone their presentation skills, receive formal feedback, and expand their research networks within the red meat and adjacent industries. Over the years, many participants of this program have emerged as leaders in their respective research fields, demonstrating its efficacy in talent development.


1. Scholarship support:
Fund 10 student scholarships annually for postgraduate studies in relevant disciplines for the Australian red meat and livestock industries.

2. Talent development:
Engage and develop future science talent to meet industry challenges effectively.

3. Improve presentation skills and networking:
Provide a platform through the annual student conference for students to refine presentation and networking skills by presenting research to industry representatives.

Key findings

The program demonstrated remarkable success, with an overwhelming 90% of participating students choosing to continue their professional journeys within the red meat, agriculture industries, or closely related sectors. This outcome underscores the program's effectiveness in not only attracting talent to the industry but also in retaining skilled professionals, thereby significantly contributing to the sustained growth and development of the red meat sector and its allied fields.

Benefits to industry

The investment goal was to attract and retain postgraduate students to careers in the Australian red meat industry through career and professional development opportunities. The scholarship invested in the development of skilled and capable postgraduate students in their academic careers and facilitated the generation of valuable, industry-focused research by PhD students, addressing critical challenges and opportunities within the red meat sector. Furthermore, by nurturing a culture of long-term commitment and engagement among early researchers, the program contributes to building a robust and resilient workforce, capable of addressing future challenges and driving the industry towards its strategic goals outlined in initiatives like Red Meat 2030.

MLA action

Under the Innovation Capability sub-program, MLA will look into partnering with funding organisations that share similar goals to support postgraduate students.

Future research

Ongoing alignment with key initiatives under the Innovation Capability sub-program will ensure sustained support for the development of skilled and capable postgraduate students as they progress in their academic careers.

More information

Project manager: Joshua Whelan
Contact email:
Primary researcher: University Of Adelaide