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B.GBP.0039 - "Paddock Power": increasing reproductive productivity through evidence-based paddock design

Did you know tools are available to help producers get the biggest 'bang for their buck' when investing in paddock and water infrastructure?

Project start date: 15 February 2019
Project end date: 29 February 2024
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Northern Australia, Northern Territory


Many paddocks in northern Australia are large and underwatered, which can lead to limited carrying capacity, areas of declining land condition, high energy expenditure to reach water, poor conception rates, calf loss, and reduced management opportunities. Infrastructure such as fencing and water is expensive, so producers require objective evidence and tools to target and optimise property development, compare the benefits and costs, and create a strong business case for owners and financiers.
This project developed the Paddock Power Tool and Investment Calculator, and collected evidence on the effect of reducing paddock area and/or improving watered area on reproductive performance and calf wastage.


The objectives of this project were to deliver evidence and tools to reduce risk and increase producer confidence to invest in paddock development to lift breeder herd productivity in northern Australia.
This was achieved through two objectives, the first objective was to collect and collate evidence using high quality producer data and cohorts of commercially-managed beef heifers to measure the impact of paddock area and distance to water on reproductive performance and calf wastage, and assess the impact of reducing paddock area and/or improving watered area. The second objective was to develop the Paddock Power Calculator and train producers.

Key findings

The Paddock Power Mapping Tool and Investment Calculator have been developed as standalone tools to assist managers and producers to calculate the return on investment of adding additional infrastructure to their properties, and evaluate the economic viability of their plans.

Benefits to industry

This project has provided evidence-based tools for assessment of strategically placed paddock infrastructure investments to get the most realistic and sustainable production from their businesses, and take the time and guesswork out of decision making.

MLA action

The Paddock Power tools are freely available to industry, with government agencies and private consultants continuing to provide support to interested producers.

Future research

MLA continues to invest in research, development, and adoption activities to determine and promote the most efficient use of land and resources to sustainably maximise production. Arising from this project were suggestions of further research to continue to determine the impacts of paddock size, watered area, and utilisation rate on reproductive performance for northern Australia.

More information

Project manager: Ainsley Smith
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Northern Territory Department Industry Tourism and Trade