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W.IAW.2305 - Portable Cattle Yards-

Project start date: 30 April 2023
Project end date: 20 April 2023
Publication date: 12 February 2024
Project status: Completed


The six portable cattle yards have been distributed to West Java, Lampung, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, West Sumatera, and Pekan Baru. The yards are used for animal handling during vaccination programs, animal health examinations, and pregnancy testing. The provincial government appreciated the industry initiative and continues providing updates on the yard.


  • The target is to manufacture five sets of portable yards to support vaccination of local cattle based on the Indonesian government program, e.g, LSD vaccination.
  • Provide engineering advice and training on how to set up and maintain the portable yards.

Key findings

Portable cattle yards are important in providing a safe environment for animal handling and vaccination programs, especially relating to emerging diseases or outbreaks in the area.

Benefits to industry

Providing support to the Indonesian government in accelerating the FMD and LSD vaccination program.

MLA action

Continue to monitor the usage of the portable cattle yards.

More information

Project manager: Helen Fadma
Contact email: