W.IAW.2203 - Mark IV Review 2022
Project start date: | 15 September 2021 |
Project end date: | 28 February 2023 |
Publication date: | 12 February 2024 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Grass-fed Cattle |
Relevant regions: | International |
Until early February 2022, training has been carried out at all Mark IV facilities (46 facilities) in the Java and Sumatra regions with 180 participants. Training is carried out on site targeting Mark IV operators and maintenance staff at each slaughterhouse facility. Before training, a survey was conducted to determine the extent of knowledge or training about Mark IV. Training is carried out at the Mark IV box location so that what is conveyed can be implemented immediately. If there are questions related to Mark IV box, it can be explained immediately.
Training was carried out on details of the Mark IV box, from the overall condition of the box, hydraulics, hoses, dynamo, and hydraulic box to the electricity that supplies the Mark IV box.
Apart from conducting training, a detailed review of the box is carried out by the trainer, including the overall condition of the box, box damage/rust, condition of the rubber body clamp, condition of the hydraulics, and details of the dimensions used in the Mark IV box, condition of the hydraulic engine, condition of the oil. After the box has been reviewed, if there is damage or parts that need to be repaired, the trainer calculates the estimated cost for repairing the damage and the length of time it will take.
After completing the training, another survey was carried out to find out the extent of knowledge of the RPH staff regarding the training that had been carried out. Most facilities that have undergone training appreciate the Mark IV training by MLA. So far, no training has been as detailed as what has been done.
• The target is to provide maintenance and operational training in up to 46 Mark IV boxes around Java and Sumatera, whereas 43 boxes are being reviewed in a previous co-funding project with exporters, taking into consideration the COVID-19 travel restriction in Indonesia.
• A complete review of 46 Mark IV boxes (the 43 original plus three new boxes yet to be reviewed) to explain the box condition, maintenance/repair needed, and possible cost estimation.
Key findings
The Mark IV training carried out was detailed training on using and maintaining the Mark IV box. The facility owners and operators appreciated the training because it was very detailed and comprehensive in all parts of Mark IV.
A survey was conducted before the training involving 53 respondents from 46 slaughterhouses. Before the training, 56.60% had minimal knowledge of Mark IV questions, 5.66% had low knowledge of Mark IV questions, 3.77% had medium knowledge of Mark IV questions, and only 33.96% had high knowledge of Mark IV questions. The survey after the training showed that 100% of the 53 respondents' knowledge of Mark IV was good. So far, no training has been carried out regarding the correct care and use of Mark IV, so the staff are confused about how to properly use and care for it so that it is durable and good to use. The box is in prime condition to support animal welfare slaughtering in general and the ESCAS system in particular.
Benefits to industry
Providing information on the current state of Mark IV boxes and for exporters' Eid Management Plan.
MLA action
Continue the project for 2023.
Future research
Yes, the project is continued in FY24 for another 12 months.
More information
Project manager: | Helen Fadma |
Contact email: | reports@mla.com.au |