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V.SMA.2103 - SAFEMEAT Incident Response

SAFEMEAT is a partnership between industry and government that provides a platform for engagement and collaboration on policy that ensures Australian meat products adhere to the highest standards of safety - from the paddock to the plate.

Project start date: 30 November 2020
Project end date: 15 June 2023
Publication date: 08 August 2023
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


SAFEMEAT provides strategic input and advice on the meat safety systems that are in place throughout the production supply chain. Aligned with its remit, SAFEMEAT may also be required to play a role in crisis response, with key responsibilities for SAFEMEAT outlined within the SAFEMEAT Incident Response Manual.

This project was initiated to conduct a crisis response simulation to test the SAFEMEAT Incident Response Manual, and to identify any recommendations for improving SAFEMEAT's process for the regular review and testing of the Incident Response Manual and SAFEMEAT’s crisis response processes.


The objectives of this project were to:

  • Practice and build SAFEMEAT’s capability to respond to a Level 3 incident.
  • Review the incident response arrangements, structure and processes.
  • Establish and enhance relationships within the SAFEMEAT incident response structure.
  • Identify improvement opportunities for the SAFEMEAT Incident Response Manual

Key findings

The SAFEMEAT Incident Response Simulation project has provided valuable insights into the level of understanding and awareness of each SAFEMEAT partners’ role in the SAFEMEAT Incident Response Manual, and of the Incident Response Manual in the context of a crisis or incident in the red meat and livestock sector.

Training sessions and regular briefings over the course of this project have proven to be of value for SAFEMEAT members. The direct engagement methodology used by the project team, in conjunction with the project design has proven to be effective in achieving success against the project objectives.

Benefits to industry

Having in place a robust and well tested incident response framework will ensure that risks and incidents that fall within SAFEMEAT's remit are managed effectively and that interactions with other crisis response frameworks are understood and integrate seamlessly.

MLA action

Recommendations from this project and the roadmap for their implementation will be provided to SAFEMEAT for consideration and action.

Future research

Observations and insights from the project indicate that further work needs to be done in relation to building capacity within SAFEMEAT members around the Incident Response Manual and it is expected that this objective will be met with the implementation of several enhancements that were identified through the project.

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Jo Quigley 
