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V.ISC.2200 - Industry engagement to promote eNVD adoption

Industry is moving toward digital consignments for livestock declarations, reducing reliance on paper declarations. This project aimed to suport industry fast track the shift twoards digital.

Project start date: 24 April 2022
Project end date: 14 July 2023
Publication date: 23 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project supported industry adoption of electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVDs). This project will engage supply chains directly to understand supply chains barriers to eNVD adoption and co-develop adoption plans to drive uptake of digital consignments in the Australian red meat supply chain.


1. Engage and work with red meat supply chains to understand their needs to accept / receive electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVD) including technical requirements and building industry-capacity.
2. Engage and work with red meat supply chains to understand and identify the support requirements of each supply chain to adopt the eNVD through their supply chain.
3. Co-develop bespoke communication, extension, and adoption programs, fundable through MDC, to drive uptake of digital consignments.

Key findings

This project provided specialist skills and support services to ISC for industry rollout of digital consignments. Support services included high-level support and guidance to supply chain businesses for implementation of digital consignments, supporting ISC with industry engagement activities and helping ISC assess industry readiness for digital consignments.

Benefits to industry

This project will set up industry stakeholders (processors, feedlots, saleyards and transporters) to move from a paper-based integrity system to digital systems enabling the following benefits:
1. Digital consignments increase compliance which strengthens the red meat integrity system underpinning the industry’s access to over 100 global markets.
2. Digital consignments allow for greater value to be added to the supply chain by combining data sets that can benefit both production and marketing outcomes.
3. Digital consignments allow significant savings to be achieved by reducing compliance costs associated with a paper-based system.
4. Receivers of NVDs, such as saleyards, processors and live export facilities can reduce the labour cost of transferring hard copy information to their own digital systems by importing data directly from eNVDs.

MLA action

Continue to invest in strategies to support industry fast track the shift to digital consignments.

Future research

On going industry engagement and support is required to continue to support supply chain stakeholders transition to digital consignments.

More information

Project manager: Renelle Jeffrey
Contact email: