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V.ISC.2122 - Livestock Marketing Campaign 'Champion' Videos

Project start date: 03 June 2021
Project end date: 29 June 2023
Publication date: 24 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project will develop key video assets for the delivery of one of ISC's flagship projects, The Livestock Marketing Campaign. This work will develop a "Champions Video". A number of advocates across the supply chain will be included in the video, which will aim to raise awareness and understanding of the Red Meat Integrity system and importance of Integrity programs nationally. The video will be used in ISC communication channels and rolled out nationally.


​​This project includes the filming and delivery a series of “Champions Videos” from Southern NSW with the following deliverables:
- filming
- recording of a significant collection/resource of interviews
- video segments
- a series of short, themed social media-oriented videos in which people representative of all parts of the supply chain articulate key messages in support of the value of the integrity system, and importance/benefits of compliance.

Benefits to industry

The impact of this project will be seen through greater awareness and understanding amongst target audiences of the ISC, the integrity systems and the integrity programs relating to livestock sales in a variety of formats (online, direct, through selling centres). This is a key activity outlined in the Integrity System Communication, Stakeholder Engagement and Adoption Strategy and will contribute significantly to awareness, understanding, value, adoption and compliance.

MLA action

MLA will be running similar campaigns to continue to provide this service to industry.

More information

Project manager: Kate Cullen
Contact email: