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V.DIG.2005 - Program Logic and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Workshops

ISC has a co-funded Digital Product Officer program to assist producer suppliers to use digital and data enablers?

Project start date: 10 May 2023
Project end date: 09 December 2023
Publication date: 30 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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This project will drive ISC’s capability in the use of Program Logic and Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) frameworks to underpin improved monitoring and evaluation for key delivery programs. This will improve ISC ability to monitor, evaluate and report on the impact and benefits of the Digital Product Officer program for industry.


The objectives of this project include:
- Conducting a face-to-face workshop, for up to 10 ISC staff, to drive understanding and application of Project Logic (PL) and MER frameworks in the Adoption and Research & Insights teams.
- Work with the Project Manager - Adoption to drive understanding of PL and MER framework development in up to 10 DPOs, by upskilling DPO’s in these frameworks and supporting DPOs to deliver finalised PL and MER frameworks relevant to individual DPO roles.

Key findings

It is recommended that the DPOs utilise workshop/field days to collect feedback via survey questions for each of their events to ensure attendees are gaining value from the events. This will also allow for feedback regarding practice change due to skills and/or knowledge gained as a result of the event.

Benefits to industry

This project is aimed to drive ISC’s and the DPO’s capability around the use of program logic and MER frameworks.

The DPO program will fast-track industry transition to a culture that captures and shares data across every point in the supply chain and increases industry’s capacity to make decisions informed by data and insights. Increased use of data and reports via feedback systems by supply chains and their producer partners will increase compliance to processor grids and therefore grid specifications, increasing total value captured from every carcase - thereby contributing to MLA’s strategic goal of ‘doubling the value’.

MLA action

It will be essential for the ISC Program Manager to continue to check in with each DPO on a regular basis to ensure that the DPOs are implementing their workplans and corresponding M&E data collection.

More information

Project manager: Demelsa Lollback
Contact email: