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Understanding the requirements and enabling the integration of livestock data link feedback into lifetime performance systems

Did you know that livestock lifetime performance metrics can be enhanced within industry solutions like Livestock Data Link?

Project start date: 07 June 2021
Project end date: 09 June 2022
Publication date: 28 March 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Beef
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The project successfully integrated a Farm Management Solution (FMS) and a traceability platform, which uncovered that the Australian red meat industry can benefit from sharing data sets for enhanced business decision making through complete lifetime traceability. It also validated improved inventory/asset management through the data connection.


1. Develop a link between a commercial on FMS with a commercial traceability platform, to support enhanced business decision making through complete lifetime traceability.
2. Develop visualisation of lifetime traceability data to provide valuable insights and demonstrate how these insights may or may not apply to different red meat businesses.
3. Investigate the opportunities to integrate traceability data from third-party platforms into the ISC data platform and develop an API to enable data sharing.

Key findings

The key findings included how livestock lifetime performance metrics can be enhanced within industry solutions like Livestock Data Link, the benefits of MLA making certain data sets accessible to traceability platforms and the key future opportunities that are enabled by traceability platform connectivity such as carbon monetisation and access to finance.

Benefits to industry

The project identified a range of benefits to industry resulting from the connectivity of commercial on-farm management systems with a commercial traceability platform. This project validated improved inventory/asset management through the data connection between FMSs and Livestock Data Link/MSA Data Platform data via the KPMG Origins traceability platform. The opportunities observed exist across multiple stages of the supply chain from farm through to the cold chain.

MLA action

The outcomes have provided direction to future investment and development work by MLA, highlighting the benefit of future development between Livestock Data Link, the MLA Data Platform and the traceability platform.

Future research

The project concluded with several recommendations that require further research to enable the value to be realised by Argyle and other red meat producers. The recommended research areas including monetisation of carbon, access to working capital finance, and enabling animal benchmarking. All the recommendations require the continuance of the connectivity between the key participants and software solutions including the FMS, traceability platform and MLA Data Platform developed as part of this project.

More information

Project manager: Naomi Leahy
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