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Sheep Genetics Database Re-Development

Did you know, the Sheep Genetics database has been further improved to create a more efficient system for accessing and recording of breeding values.

Project start date: 08 March 2020
Project end date: 01 April 2021
Publication date: 07 February 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National


Sheep Genetics and MLA either manage, fund or interact with at least six databases which contain sheep pedigree, data and genotypes. These databases have different design and architecture creating a number of key risks to Sheep Genetics and MLA. Key risks include increasing poor performance, efficiency of use and scalability, use of outdated unsupported technology, reliance on a single person per process, poor standards and documentation and limited integration with other databases outside genetics.
A review of the databases (L.GEN.1708) recently completed a range of recommendations for improvement and mitigation of the above issues; these form the basis of the SG Database Re-development project and can be split into three stages (propose and develop a new solution architecture, develop data importing and exporting systems and website re-development). This project addresses the proposal and development of new solution architecture.


In consultation with MLA propose and develop a new solution architecture including;
a. Conduct database audit and future scale predictions
b. Develop new data strategy in alignment with the pillars of the MLA data strategy
i. Data exchange and storage policies
ii. IP/ownership policies
c. Develop suitable security and data access protocols in alignment with the MLA Data Sharing and Security Principles
i. Identify and build new solution architecture
ii. Review hosting and database platform options
iii. Review existing systems / potential providers
iv. Benchmark costs and performance
v. Design system architecture in alignment with the MLA data platform principles
vi. Build Solution based on points i to v.
d. Amalgamate old/existing data (pedigree, performance and genomics)

Develop supporting infrastructure
a. data import / export systems (breeders and researchers)
b. The genetic analysis
c. Reporting of results
d. Tools such as MateSel, Ramping up genetic gain etc
e. Billing systems
f. The use of APIs through process

Other outcomes of the project will include alignment of all Sheep Genetics databases and interaction with the MLA data strategy, as well as all relevant MLA data principles such as MLA’s Data Platform Principles and MLA’s Data Sharing and Security Principles. Along with the development of clear and concise standards, system documentation and training for current stakeholders involved.

Key findings

• Review of existing MLA landscape and perform an audit of the databases
• Profile, where appropriate, the source data to provide a picture of data quality and relationships
• High level solution design completed
• Work conducted with MLA to design a data strategy for the new platform. The design will encompass how data will be accepted by the platform, what types of data will be ingested, how it will be governed and securely stored for consumption
• Detailed Solution Design and Security
• Data Modelling Completed and documented.
• Data Model Populated.
• Documentation completed
• Final Deployment completed.

Benefits to industry

Conducting a database re-development will not only significantly improve the current Sheep Genetics databases and system; it will also play an integral part of future proofing the Sheep Genetics evaluation, by improving the inclusion of additional datasets, growth of genomic information and pipeline and continual analysis improvement. It will also enable alignment with the principles and technical design of the MLA Data Platform.

MLA action

MLA continues to re-develop and improve the Sheep Genetics website and databases with further phases currently being implemented.

Future research

Continual development of the Sheep Genetics website and database will continue for improved industry use for its stakeholders.