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PDS: Exclusion feeding lambs

Project start date: 09 August 2019
Project end date: 12 December 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb


Severe drought conditions accompanied by high grain and hay prices, shortage of supply and poor-quality pastures have motivated producers to investigate and adopt more efficient feed management strategies. The use of exclusion feeding and/or the approach required to implement it, is not well understood across the mixed farming region of southern NSW.

This Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) aims to demonstrate that early introduction and exclusion feeding of lambs during drought can result in enhanced weight gain, early weaning and profitable lamb production. 

The PDS is located in Ariah Park, Bimbi, Beckom, Holbrook NSW and is contracted by Farmlink Ltd.

Benefits to industry

Actively supporting producers as they adopt new management strategies is a proven approach to achieve longer lasting on farm change and to better inform researchers and advisors of barriers to change at the farm level. This project will show producers how exclusion feeding systems are implemented, monitor and interrogate progress and assess outcomes.

Get involved

Contact the PDS facilitator:

Hayden Thompson

p:  0447 405 862


Further information

This PDS is part of the XXX PDS group. The XXX PDS group was formed in 20XX and represnts the YYY area of ZZZ. Their primary focus is on things and stuff.