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PA Service Centre user experience service design

Did you know that changes can be made to the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program to make it easier to stay up to date with your accreditation and compliance?

Project start date: 31 May 2021
Project end date: 29 September 2022
Publication date: 20 July 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program services approximately 190,000 red meat producers enabling them to manage their accreditation.
The purpose of this project was to redesign the web application user experience bringing it in line with other products and services in Integrity Systems Company (ISC). Simultaneously, this work could increase data accuracy and reliability within the LPA database by removing opportunities for users to make errors.

The assets created by this project help to support future developments to the LPA system, making it simpler for users to meet compliance and accreditation requirements, and link to other designs within the Integrity Systems Company product suite.


The main objectives of this project were to:

  • Understand and analyse the current design and user journeys of the LPA website and it’s services, these users include producers, feedlots and administration.
  • Identify user pain points and identify opportunities for improvements or changes to user and data flows.
  • Design a new user experience that includes the following core activities:
  • menu and navigation
  • program registration third party authorisation to program
  • program reaccreditation other forms and data capture.
  • Identify or recommend opportunities for integration or process changes with other systems and services.
  • Add and/or update existing design resources and tools and provide all concepts/designs to ISC.

Key findings

The audit process can be broken down into eight distinct phases: targeting, selection, allocation, scheduling, preparation, conducting, resolving issues, suspension. Recommendations for the system include:
- a restructure of LPA to be based on business, not PICs
- education of all parties involved in the accreditation process
- targeting audits based on profiles with increased data capture and increased relationship management.

The clickable prototype developed by the supplier addresses these stages and inefficiencies highlighted in each area.

Benefits to industry

Solutions provided will:
- increase consistency of ISC products and services
- increase data accuracy and reliability within the LPA database
- reduce user errors.

MLA action

MLA will use this research for continuous improvement of the audit process.

Future research

Investigate the highest impact items from the report and how to integrate the recommendations from the clickable prototype into the LPA program as it stands. Investigation into further integration between ISC technical solutions and delivery.


More information

Project manager: Emily Duncanson
Contact email: