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P.PSH.1465 - Digital Biosecurity Management Plans and Links to Livestock Production Assurance-

Project start date: 05 May 2023
Project end date: 26 December 2023
Publication date: 01 November 2023
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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Most farm Biosecurity Management Plans (BMPs) are prepared on paper and irregularly updated, significantly limiting their value as a rich source of insight into on-farm biosecurity activities and adherence to best practices. The paper format also limits the ability for BMP information to be analysed or shared by farmers to demonstrate and benchmark their activities. Enabling BMPs to be developed and maintained in an easy-to-use digital format will increase their value for use by farmers to record on-farm practices. These digital records will generate new opportunities for information to be analysed, shared and pre-populated to inform other processes or programs.


This project generated detailed design concepts and validation with key stakeholders to inform the development of a commercial-scale digital BMP platform, catering to the specific needs of the red meat industry. The project also considered and recommended potential linkage opportunities between the BMP platform and the LPA Program, including pre-populating data between platforms and permissioned data sharing of information captured on the BMP platform.

Key findings

From consultations with various key stakeholders, it was evident that there was a strong desire from red meat producers at different production scales for a digital biosecurity management plan that is tailored, actionable, and shareable. This digitised BMP can help red meat producers make biosecurity an integral part of their daily practices.

Benefits to industry

Transforming the completion and maintenance of a BMP into a digital resource for ongoing reference, and use by farmers to record and manage on-farm biosecurity has the potential to increase the number of farmers completing BMPs, and provide a new platform for accessing and sharing data relevant to other stakeholders/programs.

Future research

ExoFlare is looking to build a product with a robust set of minimum valuable features to help all red meat producers meet their LPA’s BMP requirements. ExoFlare will launch the BMP app, once officially released, to both the Android and iOS app stores after the development period, ready for industry-wide uptake.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Anna Ly
